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    PCB 1.3 files to have the board printed

    Over the years I have purchased and build 2 pub boards. I now want to use the board on a different project. As this project is open source are the file needed to have the board manufactured available as I want to modify it for may other project I am happy to make these mods public Regards max
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    C++ programming help wanted

    Hi Guys I have not visited this site for some time. I have been off developing 3 mowing robots all different sizes. Largest is 50 inch cut. We have written all the code from scratch and also use an Arduino Due and Raspberry pi. Most of the code is written for the working prototype however I need...
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    Engine and power noise

    Hi all I was reading a PDF by Mr J Lange regarding the reduction of electrically generated noise. Before I carry out his suggestions I want to understand exactly how to measure this noise in the first place. I assume I need an oscilloscope. As I would need to buy one so I would appreciate if...
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    Setup with the DUE

    Dear Bernard I have replaced the mega with the Due.Many thanks with that I loaded the software you sent and so far no smoke. So it is looking good Bluetooth is working and I see the new menu with Odo and IMU test. I have calibrated the IMU. it was not accepted as shown in the log . So I...
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    Overall Set up order

    Dear All Software is ardumower master off gut hub Arduino mega board PCB 1.3 I have a mini working to some degree. It has bluetooth and an IMU, perimeter system, odometer, and sonar. Forgetting sonar for now in which order would you set up these elements so as to build on a solid behavior in...
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    Overall Set up order

    I generally only use Apple equipment. It seems that the prod app is written for an Android. Is there an Apple equivalent? if there isn't and I have to buy an android will it work ok on a tablet or does it only work well on a phone re screen size. regards Max
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    Odometry show the mower down

    Hi Back on with my trials of the Ardumower. setup pcb 1.3, ardumini, All sensors switched off Current problem When I use manual or RC with odometer switched off the mini moves reasonably quickly. When the odometer is turned on it reduces the speed by 50 to 75%. if I want to increase the speed...
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    Perimeter wire causing a malfunction

    Hi I am using the perimeter wire sender with a 12 ohm power resister. If I use the ArduShops thin perimeter wire, the resister heats up and the units yellow led lights the unit is working If I use the thicker husqvana wire the yellow led does not come on and the resister does not heat...
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    Outer ring on wheel mounting hubs are loose

    Hi All Just started on the chassis. All going well except I hit a problem. I fitted then tightened both wheel hubs. Although there are on tight the outer ring can come off and move around. I was expecting that the outer ring would become fixed with the screws tightening process. Any suggestions...
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    Increasing the rate of turning when sonar trigger.

    Hi I am using PCB 1.3 with an Arduino mega. Also I am using chassis mini with small 4 * 12 volt motors. This chassis is a little difficult to turn due to the wide tires. These will be changed. Most options in pfod are turned off (battery, perimeter, imu, etc, etc) except one central sonar...
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    Best references relating to understand the c code

    Hi I do have some understanding of the C used in the code that runs the Ardumower software. However if someone could highlight the best books, web sites or resources etc that can improve my knowledge of programming embedded systems and specifically this code in particular, I would be grateful...
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    Saving a new local version of the Ardumower code o

    Hi Got another question. I load the Ardumower code. I then modify the "user settings" to make the code applicable to my chassis and then I want to save the that version on my PC. So I use save to write over the old code version and settings with the new ones. This seems to work. I sometimes have...
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    Relays and user defined switch

    Hi All What is the large relay located near the 2 fuses used it for controlling the charging of the battery. How can I test to see if it is working. Currently nothing I am doing is triggering it. (Note I am using a 24v board with a 12 v supply) with battery monitoring turned off. Also...
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    RTC does not keep the time

    Hi I have on my pub an etc. The battery is charged and it is plugged in properly. I update the correct time in ArduRemote and save the settings. When I reconnect the time is in 2020 again. Any ideas regards
  15. M

    Motor current sensors and ArduRemote

    I am trying to see / verify the output from the acs712 motor current sensors. The output from the sensors is connected to A0 and A1 pins on the megga. Can any tell me in ArduRemote or in the serial monitor where is the output of these sensors displayed. Also what would be normal values for...
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    Bluetooth connectivity

    I have purchased a android phone and I can see the Bluetooth devise and I can connect to it The bT device has a micro push button however it has a EN connection not a KEY connection. The BT device (HC-05) is connected to the RX2 TX2 pins on the mega through a bi directional voltage logic...
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    Taking a screen shot or printing to a file from Ar

    This should be a really easy question to answer. How can I take a screen shot of a lengthy output or to print the serial monitor output to a file on a MAC using the arduino IDE. the IDE does not like copying and pasting I have tried using terminal and the screen command, I tried to divert the...
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    Ardumower Mini Not functioning

    I do have the L298N motors working when using the option 1 test motors however I get a DS1307 error Can anyone tell me what thesis related to. When I press the button it is recognised in the serial monitor if I keep the button pressed for 1 or 2 or 3 beeps the state of the mini changes. In some...
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    Building instructions

    Can someone point me to the building instruction and all useful set up info for the perimeter board thanks `max
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    Ardumower Mini button and buzzer not functioning

    Before making my 1.3 PCB I am messing around with the arduino mini. I have uploaded the code to a mega with extension shield version 1.04, selected mini in config. I am using 2 L298n motor controllers and the motor test is working well.All seems like it is going in the correct direction One...