Odometry show the mower down

Back on with my trials of the Ardumower.

pcb 1.3, ardumini, All sensors switched off

Current problem
When I use manual or RC with odometer switched off the mini moves reasonably quickly. When the odometer is turned on it reduces the speed by 50 to 75%. if I want to increase the speed I increase the tick per revolution and the mower speeds up. This seems wrong. The ticks per revolution of my encoder is supposed to be 400. when I do a odometer test for one turn I only get 1/3 of a turn of the wheel on 400 ticks/revolution
the odometer seems in general to be working when I do longer tests i.e. the L and R wheel counts seem similar. Also if I retard a wheel is has a lower count
I am doing all my testing in manual mode as I do not want to introduce perimeter issues
any advice on this issue will be welcome
When you use the odo the speed is controled by the rpm max value so you need to increase this value in setting motor or odometry and no the pwm max value.
Yes the change of the ticks alter also the speed but it is not the good way.
In all case if you are sure of the 400 ticks the one turn need to be perfectly exact in the odo test and not 1/3