Ardumower arduino mega shield

@Alex: It's a little bit fuzzy :) - It's for one of the next SVN release versions (still need to add the new charging relais support):
Walter, I have few question about connection of PCB megashield....

1) is it the ACS712-30A (out) connetted to the P4 (pin3 - MOTORMOW SENSE)?
2) P4 - pin 2 and P4 pin 4 what arr used for?
3) Where is connected hall sensor? (which P on PCB)?
4) P2 is for a motor driver L298N? But I use a MOFSET for MOW...Still remain P2 empty?

I'm trying to complete my mower...

thank you in advandce
fabio schrieb:
Walter, I have few question about connection of PCB megashield....

Ciao Fabio

1) is it the ACS712-30A (out) connetted to the P4 (pin3 - MOTORMOW SENSE)?

Yes Motormow sense is an analog voltage in proportion to the current if you use the ACS712-xx

2) P4 - pin 2 and P4 pin 4 what arr used for?

P4 pin 2 is a pin which goes high to control your mowmotor if you dont want to use the mosfet on the PCB
P4 pin 4 is a PWM signal to control the speed of the mowmotor, speed control is not supported on the mosfet on the PCB
but can be used if you use an external H-bridge

3) Where is connected hall sensor? (which P on PCB)?
Do you mean Hall sensor for ODOmetry ? ifso use P10 and P11 but you should talk to AlexanderG if it is supported in the software

4) P2 is for a motor driver L298N? But I use a MOFSET for MOW...Still remain P2 empty?

If you dont use the MC33926 dual h-bridge module , you can connect on P2 your external H-bridge like a L298

I'm trying to complete my mower...

thank you in advandce

No thanks

Buona giornata e buon lavoro
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
I can use the PCB mega shield V1.0 with the connections and the software of the new SVN version? If I have to adapt any corrections? If not, I have to completely redo the copper sheet?

Is there a SVN shield pattern on copper plate? Please can I drive?
Ciao Mario

Yess you cqn use the shield V1.00 for SVN as long as you use the arduino mega, for the arduino due in the future
we need to change the pcb

Also if you use SVN youshould use the perimeter sender V2 !!!

In SVN you need to connect the LM386 + coil directly to AD5, SVN uses only 1 coil (untill now (AlexanderG =)



Alexander is going to test the shield V1.00 with the latest SVN in the upcommimg days
Sorry StefaM, I can't understand and translate everything....

1) In any case If I need to upload software for my PCB V1.0 which one I have to use?

2) also I can't use SVN turtoise develop, can't I?

The PCB V1.0 was build for the Software 0.9.3 from the Download Area. Not for the SVN Version.

If you have a look to the config.h and the new Config in the SVN mower.cpp you can see that some pins has changed.

Sorry for my rusty english ;)
