Azuritber Problem langsame Reaktion auf Bumper und Perimeter


ich habe nun da das wetter besser wird angefangen mit der Azuritber Firmware zu testen.
Das Bahnenfahren geht schon sehr gut.
Ich habe aber immer mal wieder das Problem (gerade eben nach ca. 60 min fahrzeit) dass der Moweraufeinmal sehr träge reagiert. Bis er den Bumper auswertet und zurücksetzt dauert dann schon mal so zwei sekunden. In der Zwischenzeit drehen dann fleissig die Räder durch. So ähnlich ist das dann auch am Perimeter, da fährt er dann nämlich einen guten halben Meter drüber.
Ich habe den Eindruck, dass es da an Rechenpower fehlt. Nach einem Neustrat geht das dann wieder.
Hat da jemand eine Idee woran das liegen könnte.
Ist die Version mit MPU9250 relativ aktuell, ich glaube so ca. vor 14 Tagen runtergeladen.
Das Menü in Pfodapp ist dann auch total träge.

Gruss Michael
Google translate fail on your post.
Please use simple sentence.
What IMU did you use ,If MPU9250 try to connect it on I2c5 port.
Do you use Raspberry ?
Ich kann das auch bei Azurit beobachten, habe keinen Anhaltspunkt woher das kommen könnte. Der Mäher steht dann ganz brav und unschuldig im Staudenbeet und ich bin meiner Frau Erklärungen schuldig.
Bei unterschiedlicher Software weist das dann auf ein Hardwareproblem hin.
Allerdings verschwindet der Fehler, wenn ich einen Reset mache.
Es könnte ein Busfehler sein, der den Prozessor ausbremst.

Gruß Fürst Ruprecht
Ich kann das auch bei Azurit beobachten, habe keinen Anhaltspunkt woher das kommen könnte. Der Mäher steht dann ganz brav und unschuldig im Staudenbeet und ich bin meiner Frau Erklärungen schuldig.
Bei unterschiedlicher Software weist das dann auf ein Hardwareproblem hin.
Allerdings verschwindet der Fehler, wenn ich einen Reset mache.
Es könnte ein Busfehler sein, der den Prozessor ausbremst.

Gruß Fürst Ruprecht
Did you try to connect MPU9250 to I2C5 or I2C7 ,because this issue appear to me when i change from GY-88 to MPU-9250 and when i move IMU from I2C2 to I2C5
Take a look at sunray WIKI (IMU part).
I2C2 is not same that I2C5 (pull up resistor)
Ich kann das auch bei Azurit beobachten, habe keinen Anhaltspunkt woher das kommen könnte. Der Mäher steht dann ganz brav und unschuldig im Staudenbeet und ich bin meiner Frau Erklärungen schuldig.
Bei unterschiedlicher Software weist das dann auf ein Hardwareproblem hin.
Allerdings verschwindet der Fehler, wenn ich einen Reset mache.
Es könnte ein Busfehler sein, der den Prozessor ausbremst.

Gruß Fürst Ruprecht
bei Azurit habe ich im Code was geändert. Bei mir ist es seither nicht mehr aufgetreten, dass er ausgebrochen ist. Allerdings ist er seid dem Patch wenig gefahren, da Wetter zu schlecht war.

Google translate fail on your post.
Please use simple sentence.
What IMU did you use ,If MPU9250 try to connect it on I2c5 port.
Do you use Raspberry ?
Hi Bernard,
I try to describe it in english.
After some time of mowing it seems like the processor is overloaded. The reaction on bumper an perimeter seems to be delayed.
Also the menu on pfodapp is delayed.
After a restart this is gone for a while.yesterday this ocvured after one hour running, few days before there where only 10 min.
Yes i use the mpu9250.
Will check the port, not sure where it is connected.

Thanks for your help. the bylane mowing is great.

If Kicad is OK with real wiring PCB i suppose that R40 R41 R44 R45 are not populatei2c pcb1.3.png, so no pullup resistor on I2C2 and I2C3.

It's why you can test MPU-9250 on port I2C4 to I2C7 ,

Do not forget the small jumper to 3.3V from JC2 to JC5 if you connect IMU on I2C5
Tried i2c5 2ithout success. This time after 5 minutes it went crazy. After the restart it drove for 40minutes without problems but then the weather went bad and i stoped testing.
One other thing i noticed while in bylane modus.
If the mover hits the perimeter at an smal angle and after the turn its always outside it should change the lane angle setting .
My mower is instead changing the turn direction so it mowes the same area in the same angle again but backwarts.
What is wron here? Can i alter the setup?

If possible test without IMU
or with other IMU like GY-88 or GY-521 and master branch.

In the past i also have a lot of issue with the MPU-9250,actually solved by changing to I2C5.
But again i have more than 500 hours gy-88 or 87 without any issue and only 40 or 50 with MPU-9250 and some trouble I2C totally randomly

it should change the lane angle setting .
Normally mower change the lane Nr , you can check this into arduremote / setting / bylane ;it real time data.

You need to adjust the by lane setting to avoid this issue.
To change the Fixed yaw ,you need to be in dev mode (menu info)..
My experience show that it's good to use one of the 3 lane in "ZIG ZAG" mode (example fixed yaw 45 an opposite to -110 and -150) ,so mower move rapidly on all mowing area.
Check also Into mow / setting / Mow pattern max duration more than 1 hour.
Normally mower change the lane Nr , you can check this into arduremote / setting / bylane ;it real time data.
Thats what i expected, but after some bougi wougi it drove the same lane number just reverse.
So it mowe the just mowed area again.

Does the master direct support gy521? Has master the esp function?
The gy88 ist not easy to buy , and its alot expensive above the other imu. Where did you buy yours?

Regards Michael
Yes GY88 is not ok because complex to find at correct price.
I order mine 3 years ago at marotronics i thing ???

Master branch support GY-521 but you need to deactivate compass into setting IMU.So the bylane can drift over time.
Only test can show you the result (It's also possible to deactivate compass in MPU9250 part ,so you can see what append after 20 or 30 minutes of mowing)
it drove the same lane number just reverse.

Can you reproduce the corner stuck and check the lane number change into setting bylane ?

Marotronics have GY87, i hope it's the real one and not a china copy.
It's also possible to use 2 parts GY-521 (MPU-6050 It's the GYro/Accel) and GY-273 ( HMC5883L it's the compass )
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
wMarotronics have GY87, i hope it's the real one and not a china copy.

I ordered a GY-87 from the Shop and got a HW-290, which is a Clon 😳
Same with on other online shop. Ordered two of them and got two HW-290 instead.
It is a different chip installed and I canˋt bring it to life with AzuritBer nor AZURIT.
Wrote an e-Mail to Markus but no response.

Maybe i can try to connect MPU-9250 to I2C1 port on Pcb1.3 and check again .

For the lane change on corner it's also possible (when mower roll and is out of the wire) to change to random mowing for the next 3 minutes and back again in bylane mowing mode
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi bernard,
I tested this again and the mower again only changed the turn direction istead the lane number. This is with the mpu9250 firmware.
I just received the gy521. To test them i have to use the master version , right?
These days themower ran over the whole lawn without a hang up.took about 90minutes and had no problems. Never the less i will try the gy521 soon.

Thanks for your great work.


  • Bylane_1.png
    154,1 KB · Aufrufe: 11
Yes . With GY-521 it's the master branch,do not forget to deactivate Compass into arduremote setting. And Gyro calibration.

It's strange it's work on my denna (lane NR change when the STATE_PERI_OUT_ROLL_TOINSIDE is call).
In all case I have the new code working on my robomow with the possibility to jump from bylane to random for 3 minutes when a particular corner is find.
Here the change you need to master branch if you want to test

Or you can wait and i add this feature when i have time.
Hi Bernard,
today i tried to test the master Firmware with the mpu521.
Again i have the problem that i canot connect to the mower over WIFi.
I am usin an esp with esp-link firmware. In the console of the ESP-Link i can see the ini string but nothing else.
I did als setups in the mower.h and mower.cpp for using the esp.

Another isue is the communication menu used over the consol. I can enter it with typing d and then 3 but then the text runs several times with no reaction on typing anything. After some seconds it restarts.

This is what i see on startup on the console.

--> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* Start Robot Setup at 2502 --> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Load ErrorCounters
ErrorCounters address Start=500
ErrorCounters address Stop=522
UserSettings are read from EEprom Address : 2000 To 2501
Load Robot Stats
Robot Stats address Start = 800
Robot Stats address Stop = 826
--------------------------------- IMU INITIALISATION -------------------
IMU error: no calib data
-------- IMU CALIBRATION --------
ACCEL GYRO MPU6050 OFFSET ax: 376 ay: -1768 az: 1512 gx: 91 gy: 12 gz: -2
COMPASS OFFSET X.Y.Z AND SCALE X.Y.Z --> comOfs=0.00,0.00,0.00
--------------------------------- GYRO ACCEL INITIALISATION ---------------
MPU6050 connection successful
Initializing DMP...
Enabling DMP... Packet size 42
Wait 3 secondes to stabilize the Drift
Last pitch : 0.00 Actual pitch : 25.11
pitch change 20 deg in less than 50 ms ????????? value is skip
Last roll : 0.00 Actual roll : -33.63
roll change 20 deg in less than 50 ms ????????? value is skip
AccelGyro Yaw: 0.26--------------------------------- IMU READY ------------------------------
Change to Area : 1
New sigcode in use : 1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,
matchSignal size=24
capture size=192
------------------------------- GPS Initialisation --------------------------------------------
Send config sentence
End of Gps Config
Ardumower 1.48-Azuritber GY-88
Config: Ardumower
d for menu
v to change console output (sensor counters, values, perimeter etc.)

Watchdog is disable
Sending ESP8266 Config
Last pitch : 0.00 Actual pitch : 25.63
pitch change 20 deg in less than 50 ms ????????? value is skip
Last roll : 0.00 Actual roll : -34.21
roll change 20 deg in less than 50 ms ????????? value is skip
Last pitch : 0.00 Actual pitch : 25.65
pitch change 20 deg in less than 50 ms ????????? value is skip
Last roll : 0.00 Actual roll : -34.24
roll change 20 deg in less than 50 ms ????????? value is skip
Last pitch : 0.00 Actual pitch : 25.66
pitch change 20 deg in less than 50 ms ????????? value is skip
Last roll : 0.00 Actual roll : -34.26
roll change 20 deg in less than 50 ms ????????? value is skip
Last pitch : 0.00 Actual pitch : 25.68
pitch change 20 deg in less than 50 ms ?????????
You need to calibrate the GYRO / ACCEL using arduremote.
Try to move the IMU to stop the roll and pitch error (it certainly the high rate that freeze wifi arduremote) or if you can't you need in the code to comment all the line Console.print ........

if (((abs(yprtest[1]) - abs(ypr.pitch)) > 0.3490) && millis() > 8000) //check only after startup finish , avoid trouble if iMU not calibrate

    //Console.print("Last pitch : ");
    //Console.print(ypr.pitch / PI * 180);
   // Console.print(" Actual pitch : ");
    //Console.println(yprtest[1] / PI * 180);
    //Console.println("pitch change 20 deg in less than 50 ms ????????? value is skip");

    ypr.pitch = yprtest[1];

  if (((abs(yprtest[2]) - abs(ypr.roll)) > 0.3490) && millis() > 8000) //check only after startup finish , avoid trouble if iMU not calibrate
   // Console.print("Last roll : ");
   // Console.print(ypr.roll / PI * 180);
   // Console.print(" Actual roll : ");
   // Console.println(yprtest[2] / PI * 180);
   // Console.println("roll change 20 deg in less than 50 ms ????????? value is skip");

I make the change in code to avoid repeat the error so fast.
Unfortunately i cant connect with arduremote/pfodapp. There is something wrong with the wifi setup.
The mpu9250 had the same problem at first but you changed something in the vode and than i wss able to use wifi.
Have you made the changes to master also? Doesn t look so.
Regards Michael