Ardumower Mini Not functioning

I do have the L298N motors working when using the option 1 test motors
however I get a DS1307 error Can anyone tell me what thesis related to.
When I press the button it is recognised in the serial monitor
if I keep the button pressed for 1 or 2 or 3 beeps the state of the mini changes. In some states it will say Fwrd spd 120 120 but the motors do not turn.Or they my say REV spd -120 -120 and still not turning motors
Also I do not know what the beeps mean i.e. 1 beep normal mowing....can some one point me to a unto date list of the beeps
I have been trying to fix this for a week now so I would really appreciate some help. Until I fix this I will not start the transition to the main ardumower build and code.
I have a number of unanswered questions in the previous post if they can be addressed as well it would be really good.
Hi Alda
I have posted some files/logs in the previous post to this one. The post is titled Mini buzzer and button not working )i think)
its the post before this. If you need more info just let me know
I think you have a problem with setup.
Did you load a default values ?
Normaly in setting list here :

bumperUse :
dropUse :
dropContact : _
rainUse : 0
sonarUse :
sonarLeftUse :
sonarRightUse :

must be 0 or 1

please try l = load factory setting and restart mower
then please post again x=read settings

my Sorry try this

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Thanks for your help. Enclosed is another file
I have now changed PCB1.3 to ardumower mini
and double checked the pin connections
all I have connected is motor drivers *2 L296N
plus a buzzer and button

the motors do work with the motor test.

Now I get a single beep every 4 to 5 seconds

If I press the button no effect.

I am using 1.0a7 software and making the changes in mower.cpp and mower.h

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
strange. If this what you sent is realtime list, your mower is periodically restarting.
Please try do after mower start
9=save user settings
after this please switch mower off and on and send a list again, but please no actions from your side.
I'm interested if there will be any values after this :

d for menu
v to change console output (sensor counters, values, perimeter etc.)

it must look like this :

d for menu
v to change console output (sensor counters, values, perimeter etc.)
RTC date received: Wed 05.07.2017
t 1 l 0 v0 OFF odo 0 0 spd 0 0 sen 0 0 0 bum 0 0 dro 0 0 son 0 yaw 0 pit 0 rol 0 per 1 bat 24.6 chg 0.0 0.0 imu 0 adc 0 ALEX's Ardumower
t 2 l 0 v0 OFF odo 0 0 spd 0 0 sen 0 0 0 bum 0 0 dro 0 0 son 0 yaw 0 pit 0 rol 0 per 2 bat 24.6 chg 0.0 0.0 imu 0 adc111 ALEX's Ardumower
t 3 l3452 v0 OFF odo 0 0 spd 0 0 sen 0 0 0 bum 0 0 dro 0 0 son 0 yaw 0 pit 0 rol 0 per 2 bat 24.6 chg 0.0 0.0 imu 0 adc116 ALEX's Ardumower
t 4 l3464 v0 OFF odo 0 0 spd 0 0 sen 0 0 0 bum 0 0 dro 0 0 son 0 yaw 0 pit 0 rol 0 per 2 bat 24.6 chg 0.0 0.0 imu 0 adc116 ALEX's Ardumower
I want to get Ardu Mini working. I am not using at this time a PCB board I have everything plugged into an Arduino Mega
The pins are as required
When I was using code 1.0a4 I did get the screen you describe

I was told to use code 1.0a7

In Mower.h I have the following set up

// ------- Choose one Ardumower PCB revision (1.2, 1.3 etc.) ------------------
//#define PCB_1_2
//#define PCB_1_3

// ------- Choose robot model (Ardumower or Ardumower Mini) -------------------
#define ROBOT_MINI

I did not set a PCB as I am not using one

Please can you return to me ALL the specific parameters required for a very basic Mini

At this time I have no sonar, bluetooth, current sensors, RC, etc etc

All I have connected is a buzzer and push button and the L296N*2 motor controllers

If it is this difficult to get the mini working Can you really call this an Educational project. I doubt that a school kid would have the patients. I think it souls be really easy to get the "basic" no frills system working so you keep people interest. I will continue as the project is good however the documentation needs some serious improvements

I hope I do not upset anyone...just a view

Best Regards

Hello Max,

You are right, we are currently updating the documentation - For the PCB, it really helps if all users use the same wiring and hardware - That's why a PCB is recommended. We cannot test all combinations of hardware with the Azruit software, so we decided to go for the PCB 1.3 (so we can be sure all users have the exact same wiring).
However there is a chance to get it running using manual wiring. When using Azurit 1.0a7, choose ROBOT_MINI and PCB_1_2. Try to start with the motor test, and see what happens then.
I have tested latest Azurit release version on the Ardumower Mini, and yes there's a problem with it and the Arduino Mega and PCB 1.3 (using Arduino Due it works fine). I'm working on solving the issue... UPDATE: I found out that my first Mega didn't have a IOREF pin (suprise!) - After replacing the Mega on the PCB 1.3, it is working now as expected.
I totally agree with you and I have purchased the 1.3 PCB and all the modules. My thinking was to get a simple version (ardumini) working to learn the software and not to have PCB construction issues first off. I noticed you sent a second update stating there is a problem. I will not do anything and wait for your fix
I really do appreciate the work and help you provide and I look forward to some fun with the Ardumini and its bigger brother
.... but to learn more, you can try get running mini with your Arduino mega. I have big mower with mega and Azurit 1.0a6 and it's working very good.
So you can try upload this version if you want.

I uploaded 1.0a6. I selected Mini in config.h and the code does not compiey. So I selected ardumower in config.h it compiled and got the same problem (reseting). I am now removing the motor driver just to get down to a mega, buzzer and button. the software keeps on resetting. I have a due and a new mega coming tomorrow. In the meantime any help on specific parameter that need setting would be useful (essential). I can not believe that this was going to be so challenging
Sorry, no experience with due. I'm using mega without any problems.
But it looks like that due isn't fully tuned and challenge with due is quite big.

One more question, please can you send what and where (which pin) you have a connected and SW which you are using (with your modifications ) ?
