ultrasound sensor HC-SR04 - Are you satisfied ?

dennis schrieb:
Because of Holoratte's recommendation, I ordered RCW-0006 modules from China. We will see. I'm very excited, but I have to wait 2 weeks :pinch:

Some feedback from the HC-SR04 replacements with RCW-0006: Woohoooooo :woohoo: , they work nearly as aspected. With one HC-SR04 in the original chassis, I had ghost obstacles ca. every 2 minutes. But with two RCW-0006 in the original chassis, I have one ghost obstacle in 20 minutes (I am even not sure, that flys, butterflys or other "real" things didn't trigger the sensors, though). I even can use the predrilled holes instead of putting the sensors on top of the mower and they fit better into the holes.

I would suggest to completely avoid the HC-SR04. The RCW-0006 are not that expensive. I bought 3 of them here: http://www.uctronics.com/rcw-0006-u...ng-sensor-module-compatible-with-hc-sr04.html
p.s.: regarding my bumper there is no progress so far. Had to rebuild the mower's garage. The weather destroyed the old one...
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