u-Center RTK Updatefrequency RTCM3


New member

is there a possibility to configure the update frequency inside the u-center for RTCM3 packages? currently I get them only per 5 seconds, but prefer to have it every second indeed.

Do you mean this? Is from Ardumower Wiki/Sunray

---- base RTCM3 message rates ---------------
10 1005: Stationary RTK reference station ARP
1 1074: GPS MSM4
2 1084: GLONASS MSM4
3 1094: GALILEO MSM4
0 1124: Beidou MSM4
2 1230: GLONASS code-phase

You can change the message rates at the base via the configuration of the CFG-MSG message, choosing the above RTCM3 messages and setting zero (0) to turn a a RTCM3 message off or a non-zero rate value for the message rate. For example setting the rate to 1 means every GPS solution, 2 means every two GPS solutions etc. Do not forget to send and save the base configuration.

Ublox message rates.png
Hello, thanks, understood, but the values are on 1 already, so that means it is already the fastest update frequency, is this correct?
But also does it mean that I cannot have more GPS solutions than basically every 5 seconds more or less?