Too many holes in the front underrun protection?


Good morning,

Yesterday I set to assemble the recently acquired (at marotronics) ardumower chassis and, though most of the process is straitghtforward, still a couple doubts remain, namely:

1) The front underrun protection has two holes near its centre, what are these used for?

2) The four extra large chassis bolts, I take, are to be used to attach both underrun protections (front and rear) to the underside of the robot, but said bolts should not be screwed in all the way (the underrun protections would then sit too high above the ground and would not perform well, right?). Then some sort of separator should be provided to keep the protections from moving up and down, but these are not included in the kit, hence my doubt; are the separators needed? Are they just advisable? What are you people using as separators?

Thanks in advance for you help.
Hello Manuel,

Markus told me that screw nuts can be used and he made a photo:

He also made a photo to show the reason for the holes:

Let us know if anything is still unclear to you.

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Hello Alexander,

The rear underrun protection looks very good. The second picture, though, shows what for me is the bumper. This one I assembled as in the picture, with the shock absorbers, only mine is above the bottom plate as in:


But there is yet an extra piece, the front underrun protection. It can be seen here in front of the mowing disk:


The two holes near its centre is what baffles me. The bumper is there also, almost completely obscured by the front separator plate, and would seat above the bottom plate and on top of the shock absorbers if I am not wrong.

If it is a matter of giving the assembler more choices as to how to assemble the chassis, and then it turns out that the extra holes are not needed in my configuration, that's ok with me. I just want to be sure that I am not messing it up :)

What do you guys think?


Yes, you are right - it's the bumper. As you can see in the picture (and if I understand Markus correctly), the front underrun protection is not needed. The hole was just another idea to mount the bumper on it...
Ok, pretty clear then. I still like the idea of mounting the bumper high above the bottom plate (seems to better protect the wheels at that position), so I will try the front underrun protection anyway.

Thanks Alexander, Markus.

