STL Files for 3D printers (lawn mower parts)

Charles schrieb:
If you have a 3D printer, you can download my stl files.
They are my pieces I used to make my lawn mower.

UPGRADE 02/06/2014
Support perimeter sensor

Perimeter board receiver

Perimeter board receiver (old version)
Perimeter board transmitter
Bumper (in progress)

other parts
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Nice job Charles.

I just so happen to be designing a mower chassis body and many parts that can be printed with a 3d Printer. Most other frame parts are OpenBuild v-slot parts which are quite cheap. You have given me ideas to borrow for my build. This design will have a fully adjustable blade by the use of one external knob. The body is also fully weather resistant. Attached are some screen shots of my progress and I will share the STLs when I have printed and tested the design concept. Thanks again for posting these STLs!!
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Howdy - my first post but I wanted to say thanks for the model. Not something I need yet but looking through the site I was thinking it was something that was needed and was planning on making my first post a request for models.

I hope that I am able to use these at some point!!!

I actually like to get as many models as possible it helps me think through processes and see what I can improve.

My printer could not print an entire mower but at some point it would be able for now we could print scaled models if they were available.

Thanks again.
Gary Hamilton schrieb:
My printer could not print an entire mower but at some point it would be able for now we could print scaled models if they were available.

I am still drawing them. I am in the process of breaking up the larger parts so they can be printed on the heating plate of my 3d printer. I am also trying to work out any problems with the design in the drawing software. In Blender ( my 3d drawing program of choice ) I can move all of the parts and see the placement to see if there are any conflicts or problems while still in software. Since last posting my screen shots I have designed my bumpers and plan on printing them first. I am currently building the bottom frame with a temporary floor so I can prototype the electronics and motors. I am also considering a Mecanum wheel design which I am also going to print and test first. Below is another screen shot of the design in it's current phase. I have one Mecanum wheel in the drawing. I hope to be printing soon but I can only do this in my free time which has been limited lately and there is still quite a bit to do on the drawings still.
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Thanks for sharing the images. Do you feel that type of wheel would give sufficient traction? I only remember only one application I have seen this type of wheel used. If I remember correctly it worked almost like a swivel.

Is there a reason you chose 4 wheel suspension over 3 wheel? My research has point to a 3 wheel system being slightly better if you do not have a suspension system on keeping the carriage from floating and drifting slightly on uneven ground. I am not an expert in this area and I am not saying one is better than the other I am only trying to learn so my bot does not have quite so many revisions.
