SABERTOOTH motor driver

I am just getting into this ardumower project. It looks exciting. At first I will use an arduino megga. When I understand the project better I will move to the PCB. For now, I have a sabertooth 2X12 motor controller. I have used it successfully before on a chassis controlled by a botboarduino and also by RC radio controll. The sabertooth has 2 servo type leads to control the 2 motors. It does not have IN1,IN2,IN3,IN4,ENA,ENB connections on the board that the ardumower code is expecting. Can anyone help me to change the code to use this motor driver. The main reason I want to stick with Sabertooth is that I am working on another project and it has a larger 2X32A motor controller and I would like to stay with one brand. If this will be too difficult then I will have to use the recommended parts. Your help will be welcome

in der Mower.cpp folgendes ändern


case ACT_MOTOR_MOW: setMC33926(pinMotorMowDir, pinMotorMowPWM, value); break;// Motortreiber einstellung - bei Bedarf ändern z.B setL298N auf setMC33926
    case ACT_MOTOR_LEFT: setMC33926(pinMotorLeftDir, pinMotorLeftPWM, value); break;//                                                                  Motortreiber einstellung - bei Bedarf ändern z.B setL298N auf setMC33926
    case ACT_MOTOR_RIGHT: setMC33926(pinMotorRightDir, pinMotorRightPWM, value); break; //                                                              Motortreiber einstellung - bei Bedarf ändern z.B setL298N auf setMC33926


case ACT_MOTOR_MOW: setL298N(pinMotorMowDir, pinMotorMowPWM, value); break;// Motortreiber einstellung - bei Bedarf ändern z.B setL298N auf setMC33926
    case ACT_MOTOR_LEFT: setL298N(pinMotorLeftDir, pinMotorLeftPWM, value); break;//                                                                  Motortreiber einstellung - bei Bedarf ändern z.B setL298N auf setMC33926
    case ACT_MOTOR_RIGHT: setL298N(pinMotorRightDir, pinMotorRightPWM, value); break; //                                                              Motortreiber einstellung - bei Bedarf ändern z.B setL298N auf setMC33926

I did not really understand your response as I do not )currently) speak German (sorry)

I am using the mini.cpp tab to make changes as I am setting up a mini for now

The code from lines 465 to 470 is as follows

void Mini::setActuator(char type, int value){
switch (type){
case ACT_MOTOR_MOW: setMC33926(pinMotorMowDir, pinMotorMowPWM, value); break;// Motortreiber einstellung - bei Bedarf ändern z.B setL298N auf setMC33926
case ACT_MOTOR_LEFT: setL298N(pinMotorLeftDir, pinMotorLeftPWM, value); break;// Motortreiber einstellung - bei Bedarf ändern z.B setL298N auf setMC33926
case ACT_MOTOR_RIGHT: setL298N(pinMotorRightDir, pinMotorRightPWM, value); break; // Motortreiber einstellung - bei Bedarf ändern z.B setL298N auf setMC33926
case ACT_BUZZER: if (value == 0) noTone(pinBuzzer); else tone(pinBuzzer, value); break;

It seems to be like you want???? if not how do I change it

I have connected the signal pins (orange) from the sabertooth motor driver servo wires (CH1 F/B and CH2 L/R i.e. turn) as follows
CH1 from sabertooth to the Arduino socket pin 5 and ch 2 into socket 31 all 4 wheels move in reverse all the time
CH1 from sabertooth to the Arduino socket pin 3 and ch 2 into socket 33 all 4 wheels move in reverse on the fourth instruction
CH1 from sabertooth to the Arduino socket pin 31 and ch 2 into socket 5 left wheels move in forward right wheels backward from the second instruction
CH1 from sabertooth to the Arduino socket pin 33 and ch 2 into socket 3 left wheels move in forward right wheels backward from the last instruction
nothing else connected to the Arduino other than the USB connection for power and serial interface.

Can this only work correctly if I have 2 motor drivers i.e. buy a second unit as my sabertooth is a dual motor driver in one unit with 2 leads control leads
if I can do it with one unit (i.e. much cheaper) how do I connect the pins

many thanks
