Replace Mega with Due Build 1.0a6-Azurit


New member
Build 1.0a6-Azurit will not compile on Due. Is there another Due build? I did get it to compile by updating New Ping and commenting out lines of code in 3 below.
1. NewPing errors, update latest version from github.
2. Save setting are erased each time the code is reloaded. Does not happen on Mega.
3. Mega error - interrupts R/C and odometry not withing scope.
2.a. Robot::printSettingsSerial - examples:
// ------ odometry Interrupt-------------------------------------------------------
Console.println(F("---------- Odometry Interrupt ---------------------------------"));
Console.print (F("oneway left : "));
Console.println (bitRead(PCMSK2, PCINT20));
Console.print (F("Oneway right : "));
Console.println (bitRead(PCMSK2, PCINT22));
Console.print (F("twoway left : "));
Console.println (bitRead(PCMSK2, PCINT21));
Console.print (F("twoway right : "));
Console.println (bitRead(PCMSK2, PCINT23));
Why 1.06 and not 1.07 ??
I use a due with PCB 1.2 and it's work and compile with azurit 1.07 but.
The sonar is 5V so don't use with Due.

The RTC i remove and don't test .
The Buzzer easy to add a transistor.

Perimeter receiver work perfectly
ODO work perfectly without any change.
Gps is read but i don't use so need more test.
IMU is read but i don't use so need more test.

If you don't use sonar i think all is OK.
To put the Due you need to follow the post in Sunray( change the 3.3V to 5V etc....) and use new Library .

Yes the save setting are erased each time if you use programming port (Don't know with the Usb port but at the beginning i use it and sometime it's didn't work so i prefer to put all my setting in mower.cpp and use programming port).
All the rest exept the sonar is OK.


where i can find the *ino code for the Ardunio IDE?
I download from git the 1.0a7-Azurit and here the Source code (zip and bit in booth file can not find the *ino for the IDE.
I have the PCB1.3 with a DUE and the Ardunio IDE 1.6.3, can i also use a newer Version of IDE?

Can someone help me.
Thanks in advanced