Questions before buying Ardumower kit


New member

I am interested in buying this this RTK Ardumower kit to install Sunray firmware and I have a few questions:

1. Is it possible to install 2 mower motors set in the kit above, like in the following one ?
Will the second mower motor fit with the default chassis?
Which additional components (motor, disk, blades, electronics ...) do I need to buy on the store to go with the second mowing motor?

2. Does the kit come with a power supply to charge the battery, is it the same as this one ?

3. Can these wheels be mounted on the chassis from the kit I would like to buy?

4. Do you plan to offer the new simple RTK2B GPS version 3 (V3) like here in the near future?
If not, is it possible for me to buy the simpleRTK2B V3, antenna and Wifi NTRIP module at ardusimple store so I have latest hardware version ?
Will it be easy to install these elements on a regular kit like this one and could provide RTK support?

5. Is the bumperduino an option for the Ardumower? When will the bumperduino be available again on the store?

Thank you in advance for your replies.
Best regards,

Hello and sorry for the late reply, too much work and too little time :(

1. a second mower motor does not fit in the current chassis.
if you need a second mower motor, here is the right set:

Mower motor set

2. yes and yes

3. Yes you can, please inform here:


4. Alexander should answer that, I'll let him know

5. Yes, we will also support this in the future and I hope the set will be available again after the weekend.

Regards Markus
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Reaktionen: jsp
Hello Markus,

Thank you for your answers, I should place my kit order shortly.
Alexander's feedback would also help me in regards to the simpleRTK2B V3 choice.

Best regards,