Perimeter wire gauge 1 mm² or bigger?


I have read the wiki and I can find no specifications of the perimeter wire gauge.
The ardumower shop has 1 mm² in shop.

Can anybody say something about this? Or does it not really matter...?
A late answer but.. I'm using the more common 1,0mm² green wire in my other location and in the other one the older brown Ambrogio cable, which I'm guessing is 1,2mm² - 1,3mm² and I don't see any difference between them in performance.

But probably the best tip I can give about the wires is to absolutely use couplings like the . The couplings work nice and easy with all most common wire types and the only tool you need is something to sqeeze the blue "button" in to the wire. The green wires especially are very hard to work with if you try to strip them and connect and insulate them by "hand".