Perimeter Sender


Active member
Hey @ all.
I`m not able to flash the arduino nano with the sender software.
There is no warning message, I can see the activ COM 5 port on the IDE but no reaction during flushing.
I left the nano during the process installed. After connecting the USB cable both green LED are illuminated the yellow is blinking in order with the little red LED installed on the nano.

Warning.png Wichtig: Vergewissere Dich, dass die Pin-Konfiguration des Arduino im benutzten Code (sender.ino) mit Deinem Senderaufbau übereinstimmt!

Can`t understand this instruction. Is there someone outside who can explain.

"Warning.png Wichtig: Vergewissere Dich, dass die Pin-Konfiguration des Arduino im benutzten Code (sender.ino) mit Deinem Senderaufbau übereinstimmt!"
Important: Make sure the Arduino's pin configuration in the used code (sender.ino) matches your transmitter hardware pin configuration! "

"I`m not able to flash the arduino nano with the sender software."

Does it work with the nano standalone?
Please show a screen shot after flashing. Enable warnings in the arduino IDE.

But if the yellow LED is blinking, then the software seems to be uploaded?

Have you connected the charger to the PCB?
Thank your for your assistance.
Where can I find the Pin config. for the Arduino and transmitter? Probably it`s a missreading from my side but right now I did not understand.
Standalone or installed.... does not matter... same same.
I used only the power source given by the USB port. No charger has been connected. Did not found an instruction for an additional power source.
The attemp to flush the Nano ended up with a time out message.
I just placed an order for a spare Nano.
My next question is about the Nano driver. If the wrong driver installed (W7 64bit) do I have a warningin any kind and no connection? Or affect a wrong driver only the flush function?

Once again... Thank you for an assistance.

"The attemp to flush the Nano ended up with a time out message."

You mean, if you pull out the nano and then programm it, it fails?
If yes, maybe the nano is not working correctly?

"My next question is about the Nano driver. If the wrong driver installed (W7 64bit) do I have a warningin any kind and no connection? Or affect a wrong driver only the flush function?"
I don't know. But did you have a 64bit system?

What I remember is, that you can select the processor for an old or new bootloader. Maybe you have this option in Arduino IDE. Try the old one.


Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator: it.
"Old bootloader" was the (f..) key.
After uploading the data the yellow LED is wild flashing and both green LED are steady on.
Don`t now what it means but the software should be installed.
Okay, next step.

Thanks a lot and take care

two potentiometers are installed at the upper right corner of the perimeter sender.
Can not find any information what the potis are for nor where the position should be. Mid position or left? Right position?

Thank you for an answer.

There are not use in the software so no particular position.
You have only to adjust the DC/DC voltage small poti to have near 9V but look at the wiki, All is explain for the voltage and resistor for perimeter wire.
For the Led only the yellow one is important.
ON :The sender send the signal and all is OK.
OFF :The wire is cut or something else but the sender don't work
Flashing : The mower is in the station (The sender use the INA169 to detect if there is sense at the 24V output) so the signal is not send into the wire.
Bernard schrieb:
ON :The sender send the signal and all is OK.

Good morning Bernard,
with perimeter wire disconnected my yellow LED is still on.
Just to be sure......yellow LED is an indication that the sender is working independet of a connected or disconnected wire?

All the other adjustments a cristal clear to me.
Only the function and position of those both potentiometer was just confusing.

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Flyfast schrieb:
Bernard schrieb:
ON :The sender send the signal and all is OK.
Just to be sure......yellow LED is an indication that the sender is working independet of a connected or disconnected wire?

disregard my previous post.
After troubleshooting I found a bad soldered spot at the INA.
Now all is doing good.
Wire connected : yellow LED is on
Wire disconnected: yello LED is off.

Thank you for clarifing

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Next question is popping up. :-(
Mower is going immediatly in perimeter tracking mode after reaching the perimeter wire.
It does not matter which mode is selected. In lane, rand, bidir it is the same.
Battery "GO HOME IF BELOW VOLTAGE" is adjusted to 24Volt. Current battery voltage is 28,2 volt.
Under the icon "PLOT" - battery (ArduRemote) there are no information present.

Any idea?

Hello Uwe,
have a look at the PFOD App under Commands - what is the actual task - does it show Home or Track?
If the Mower "goes" Home right after you startet Automatic mode, it could be the Timer presets.
Mowing mode should be Rand - afaik the other ones do not work.
The Plot for the battery does not work for me either - don't know if it should, but have never missed it.

Can not use the PFOD APP.
I`m using ArduRemot.
It shows me Perimeter track in an arconym. (PERITRCK or something like this)
I can isolate the battery as a troublemaker because I switched the monitoring off and had still the same effect.
