PCB 1.4 24V kommen nicht durch

Dan Nad

New member
Hi zusammen,

ich bin wirklich am verzweifeln und fühle mich ziemlich dämlich.

- Alles verlötet, 9 V am DC DC wandler eingestellt, alle Komponenten angeschlossen (letztes Jahr im Sommer, dann ruhte das Projekt)
- ESP32 geflashed, Arduino Due geflashed mit neuster Sunray Version (letzte Woche).
- Der Ardumower scheint nicht sauber zu booten. Nach dem Einschalten, nach 20 sek piept er und schaltet sich wieder aus (irgendein Watchdog? habe keine Zeit gefunden die ich hätte direkt in der config.h ändern können)
- also zurück auf Anfang. PCB wieder ausgebaut, alle Componenten ab, alle Jumper gezogen und genau nach Anleitung gegangen, um den Fehler einzugrenzen.
- Leider bekomme ich schon beim anschließen von 24 V (nur Jumper auf P20) Keine 24V LED. (24V mit Akku und Labornetzteil probiert, also an der Spannungsquelle liegt es wahrscheinlich nicht)
- Alle Lötstellen kontrolliert und durchgepiepst. Vorsichtshalber ein paar erneuert. Alle SMD Sicherungen heile. Gleiches Fehlerbild.

Ich bin wirklich ratlos, was der nächste Debugging Schritt ist. Vielleicht einen 24V Pfad den ich durchmessen könnte? Andere Ideen?
(PS.: ich bin kein Elektronik Spezi, aber lernwillig :) )

Schonmal Danke
du nimmst dir den schaltplan, und misst von bauteil zu bauteil, bis du die stelle gefunden hast. irgendwo muss es ja dann eine unterbrechung geben...
I’m actually seeing something similar with my board at the moment. I’m thinking it could be the INA. Weird thing on my end is I was running the mower for the past 3 months pretty reliably. I went to charge the mower and it had a weird charging event where I stopped charging at 26 V instead of the typical 28 V I have it set to. I can test the circuit being intact if powered from the charger. I have the lotbrucke jumper soldered and have been charging with a 5 A charger. Is it probable that I’ve fried the INA? My only other thought is that one of the mosfets is fried and needs to be replaced.

Looking for suggestions on where to troubleshoot for power coming from the battery to the relay.
Hi so my EF2 fuse was bad. Replaced it even though reading with connectivity and that did the trick. I believe all power from battery must flow through EF2 fuse. That's usually what I replace and it gets things going again. Try that with a 7A fuse and test.

I’m seeing another weird problem with my board now. As soon as power is turned on it starts the board with no button push. Does anyone know if this is a common problem and how to fix? Or does anyone know how the communication with the button works? I’m wondering if I need to focus on another diode. I read on PCB 1.3 D13 replacement may help with this. But I cannot find an equivalent D13 on PCB 1.4.
Hi so my EF2 fuse was bad. Replaced it even though reading with connectivity and that did the trick. I believe all power from battery must flow through EF2 fuse. That's usually what I replace and it gets things going again. Try that with a 7A fuse and test.

I'm seeing another weird problem with my board now. As soon as power is turned on it starts the board with no button push. Does anyone know if this is a common problem and how to fix it? Or does anyone know how communication with the button works? I'm wondering if I need to focus on another diode. I read on PCB 1.3 D13 replacement may help with this. But I cannot find an equivalent D13 on PCB 1.4.
@kurzschuss any suggestions here?