Over which channels is the Ardumower controlled?


New member

I am bit confused by the different RF modules that are needed and how the ardumower is controlled. Is my understanding correct?
  1. The Arduino module is controlled entirely by commands over one of the UART channels (0 for direct access, 1 for WIFI and 2 for Bluetooth)
  2. All UART channels are equivalent. I could use both Bluetooth or WIFI for remote access.
  3. The NTRIP RF module is completely separate and has nothing to do with the rest.
  4. Firmware updates require direct access via USB

Hi, I cannot say anything regarding 1 and 2.
3) The NTRIP / GPS Module uses one UART interface for communication. In the past (about last year) only the RX was used to receive position information. Sometimes over the winter, the TX from the controller is used to configure the GPS module. Because of this, it is necessary to patch the TX line with an additional cable.
4) As far as I know, there are other ways to install the firmware on the Arduino. But via USB is the easiest way.
Thanks. A small misunderstanding: i was asking about the XBee module sitting on the rtk module. The one that receives ntrip messages over WiFi. This module is not connected to the central unit, but only to the rtk module. Or am I wrong?

So if I am going to receive ntrip data via SAPOS and control the mower over WiFi i would have two WiFi modules in total on the mower.