Odometry errors with ardumower-1.0a4-Azurit


Hello all,

My mower is plagued with odometry errors. These happen when the mower is going FORWARD 8 seconds after it starts moving, and both left and right odometry errors are triggered. Only the power wiring for the left motor was changed. Errors happen both with twoWayOdometrySensorUse = 0 or 1.

Never seen these errors with the previous software version (ardumower-1.0a2-Azurit).

Please help me debug this issue.

Thanks and best regards,

autega schrieb:
Hello Manuel,
please go to serial console and use odometry test to ensure odometry is counting correct.

Also please check your odometry wirings and most important the plugs.

Best regards

Hello Sven, thanks for replying.

What should I look for in the odometry test? Positive counting when driving forward and negative when driving backwards?

I shall check wiring again, but it was not touched and, as I said, errors started only after I uploaded the new software version today, and I had been using the mower for quite a few weeks already with no odometry issue whatsoever.



EDIT: tested odometry from the serial console and counting goes up when in forward mode, goes down (even becoming negative) when in reverse mode. Does this mean both settings and wiring are correct?


Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hello again,

Getting closer: odometry errors happen if and only if imuCorrectDir is true. There must be some important difference between motorControlImuDir() and motorControl()


It's a pity, imuCorrectDir was doing a good job preventing the mower from drifting away but I guess I can live without it for the time being.

Thanks for your help Sven.


Hi all!

I try fix problem with odo settings with my TC-converted. Actually I used all cheep components I got, for my TC-converted2, and finally I put in correct operation both of my Ardumowers (TC-converted1 & TC-converted2).

I made butterfly(4 ticks) encoder and put it on the end of the motor, where I found just enough place to fix it and also 2 OCs for 2way encoding, an got ultimate 388 ticks per one revolution of wheel, what came out 4,8 ticks per cm, jut enough that system work well. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzN2TA5eKhpMS1V2Y3ZkZGVwM2FZNnMtdjR5a0tuVHVtR2RN

The major problem I have with this settings lied in my multi instances of ardumower directory. Finally I was lightninged so I put all other instances(and renamed directories) of program in zip file, deleted remaining, and than opened my custom modified ino file and upload it to Arduino. Now I got results I wanted. Now both of my TC-converted works fine. I need to finish charging station and charging automation, and Than I think, I got system fully operational. Even more Both of My TC-Converted works simultaneously on single perimeter transmitter very well, as I divided field https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzN2TA5eKhpMMHRoelotVnBaWUE in sections.

Casper, the friendly ghost.