Odometrie drin - Mower randaliert

Das umzuprogramieren wage ich nicht, da sich wahrscheinlich (bei meinem Glück) eine ganze Kette an Abläufen dahinter verbirgt. GGf. Funktioniert dies mit einer älteren Version Azurit besser, aber anhand der schwerwiegenden Fehler die ich mit 1.07 hatte, mag ich das Zeitinvest nicht riskieren.

Ich passe lieber der Hardware an :)

Der Random-modus ohne odo klappte zwar, das er etwas fuhr, jedoch hielt er sich orientierungslos zu 95% in den Ecken auf und war damit auch nicht wirklich brauchbar.

Jetzt läuft er erstmals zufriedenstellend, das ich einen tatsächlichen Nutzen erahnen kann.

@bernard: witch version of arzurit do you use for tianchen? In my case it works in random modewithout odo, but my mower only stay in the corner (corners clean, green still high).. Now, with working odometrie (3000 rpm) he works absolutly different. Much better, clear, much better hit high green..
Hi Alex
I speak about the original tianchen Firmware for the imu and not azurit (not yet tested)
What is exactly the problem with imu driving ?
Don't understand 3000rpm ,maybe you want to say 3000ticks per rev ?
hi Bernard,
Yes ..in my case 1 tick is 1 rpm (motor, not after gearbox) . I don't know how tainchen works, but in new Azurit - like roland told - the movement of odometrie will read out and calculated by Azurit in 100ms. In this short time my old odo only gives 0,01 - 3 ticks for calculation.. So, how i understand roland, Azurit was unable to get useable Odo-data.

After this information I changed my odo.. i built odo into the motor IR-LED. Now are the ticks not anymore from wheelside (slow rpm). Now the IR is working direkty in the motor which does work with maybe with 3000 rpm at same speed.

As result i see that my mower works really well. Now tihs Problem is solved.

I have new Problems .. but its an other corner :)

thanks and regards,