New setup problem with control left anbd right



When I control mower and go left manual controll in CGTEK/ Evoviewer the mower goes right.

I try to switch + and - for the motor but then forward is backwards.

How do I fix this issue?

Also when started the mower autocut it was in the same spot and just spin around and around. Maby bacause I not installed sonor yet but have this set to true?
Hi Vic,

have you switched left and right motor?
Have you installed an IMU sensor? If so, try to run it first without. I had the same experience. My mower was turning around on its same place. I had to replace my 9250 with a 6050 sensor. My 9250 did not work at all.

Best regards, Felix
Hi, yes I was try to switch first the odimetry left to right (not worked) and then I tried change left and right motors by switch PCB green connectors. I changed place on them.

How did you install the 6050, I think I have this card so I can try it tomorrow. Any special thing I need to do?

Thank you!
Ok I trying now. I have got issues to connect to machine. Its only working sometimes thru BLE. Using Android and iPhone.

I get connected but the Sunray app says "Waiting for data".

09:37:05.557 -> Ardumower Sunray,1.0.186
09:37:05.557 -> compiled for: Arduino Due
09:37:05.557 -> MOTOR_DRIVER_BRUSHLESS: no
09:37:05.557 -> enableCharging 0
09:37:05.557 -> trying to detect Bluetooth 4.0/BLE module (make sure your phone is NOT connected)9600...
09:37:06.060 -> BLE: AT
09:37:08.084 -> trying to detect Bluetooth 4.0/BLE module (make sure your phone is NOT connected)115200...
09:37:08.568 -> BLE: AT
09:37:08.568 -> OK
09:37:08.785 -> Bluetooth 4.0/BLE module found!
09:37:09.258 -> BLE: AT+VERSION
09:37:09.258 -> +VERSION=Firmware V4.2.0,Bluetooth V4.0 LE
09:37:09.991 -> BLE: AT+NAMEArdumower
09:37:09.991 -> +NAME=Ardumower
09:37:09.991 -> OK
09:37:10.693 -> BLE: AT+RESET
09:37:10.693 -> +RESET
09:37:10.693 -> OK
09:37:10.908 -> SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE=1024 (increase if you experience GPS checksum errors)
09:37:10.908 -> -----------------------------------------------------
09:37:10.908 -> UBLOX::begin
09:37:10.908 -> trying to connect to ublox f9p...
I now downgraded Sunray to 10.0.138 and got BLE to work and I also find IMU 9055/9065 and it's working.

Still got problem with that right is left on control and I have also tried to switch motor connectors but then forward is backwards in Sunray APP. Any idea how to fix this? @AlexanderG
@Vic Latest firmwares check that PCB1.3 can send something to the GPS receiver. Either perform the GPS wire fix:

... or disable sending GPS config in config.h:
//#define GPS_CONFIG true // configure GPS receiver (recommended - requires GPS wire fix above!)
#define GPS_CONFIG false // do not configure GPS receiver (no GPS wire fix required)

That should do the trick ;-)
If you enable GPS config sending without the GPS wire fix, the firmware will be stuck during the boot process (visible via Arduino IDE serial console):

I was done both this fixes. I was spin around due card rx3 tx3 + added cable and set up 3.3 V.

I also tried GPS_config set to false.

I have still problem when I manually want to stear the robot. Going left in Sunday app then robot go to the right. See image, @AlexanderG


I am now waiting to install the new ESP32 wifi/BLE. Also trying to get RTK to get fixed setup. I also tried NTRIP but I don't know what config file to use. I was connected to Swepos and that seams to work but I think I'm missing settings for NTRiP. Anyone have a config file for u center? Ublox 1.13

that the mower is going to the right when you steer to the left has nothing to do with the GPS system. I would suspect that the wiring of the motors is switched.

As long as you did not disable the GPS_CONFIG in the config.h (and you did the GSPS wire fix in case that you have the 1.3 board), there is no need to setup U-Block in the mower. This is done by the latest Sunray software. You only have to setup in the ESP32 Xbee web software the NTRIP server and your router so that the module can communicate with the NTRIP server.

Regards, Felix
Hi ok thx. I going to install the ESP32 as soon as I get them. Its pretty strange because I have tried to switch wires between the motors. If I do this then forward in app manual steering make the robot going backwards.

Im using motors with black cap.

pls check that right motor is connected to P18 and left motor is connected to P15. If they are connected wrong, i think you could have left/right problems and forward/backward still working.
Ok thanks im trying and now installing the new WIFI card esp32. Do I need to make PIN-fix for BLE as I have done for GPS? (PCB 1.3 Due)(Spin TX3/RX3) I also have Grand Central but are waiting little with this.
No the RX/TX fix is only necessary for the GPS module.
But you have to check for the RX and TX on the backside of the board and you have to remember that RX from the module has to go to TX on the board and vice versa. This may sound like a fix, but this is the actual way as UART must be connected always. One sides sender has to go the other sides receiver and so on.
Ok thank you! I was got the mower to work now with fixed position to the base. (I tried with a NTRIP module but not got it to work)

The problem is still the direction of forward and backwards. I have now connected the correct P15 to the left motor and p18 to right.

See images : (In-app I can handle the steering to go forward by drag fingers down but I think it feels a little strange for the mower because auto mode not working so good) and the mower direction is pointing to the opposite direction (forward is backwards). I have installed IMU 6050. Maby it helps to turn this other direction? I going to try this. I was looking in the code of motors if there were an alternative to swap motor directions but only found this for brushless motors.

UPDATE: I have tried to change direction for IMU and this works on the map in app until the wheels start spinning then it's opposite again. So I need to change some code I think so the direction gets correct?

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Hi, maybe there is some misinterpretation about the robot symbol and the virtual joystick control?
1. The black line marker inside the white robot circle symbol marks the robot front side. So, the marker always points to the direction the robot would move if steering forward. And in your example (if steering forward) the robot would move forward towards the house.
2. However, the steering control (virtual joystick) works like this: touching up is forward and touching down is backwards. So, in your example (red marking on your virtual joystick) you are steering backwards (towards street). Does this make sense to you? :) If this was already clear to you, please ignore this message part :)

1. So, to make one motor turn in the opposite direction you swap the red (+) and black (-) wires of that motor.
2. If (after fixing the motor directions) robot turns into wrong side (left instead of right and vice versa), you swap the left and right motor (and odometry) connections (left motor becomes right motor and vice versa). After swapping left and right motor connections, you fix the turning direction again (1.)
So you will do to a combination of 1. and 2. to get it correctly.
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Reaktionen: Vic
Thank you Alexander! Switching cables +and minus on the motor like you described in ens works now everything seams to work!! Thx!