Mowing a vineyard

Thanks! It is indeed a lot of work. The board is almost done though. If you are enthousiastic about the final result you can always help testing/coding etc. But we will have to wait at least one month more because all the chips that I selected based on availability are somehow sold out all of a sudden. Guess due to global chip shortage.
Hello Macel,
that looks very interesting. As far as I can see in the picture, are you using the Teensy 4.1 and two esp32? Could you post the schematic?
Gruß Fürst Ruprecht
Hello everybody,

@Fürst Ruprecht and @bernard, indeed I am using the Teensy 4.1 for the computations, and I was thinking to use the ESP32's for wifi and bluetooth. I can provide you with the schematics once I got my first version kind of working. I found out I made several small errors some of which I am still fixing.

I haven't been working on it for a while, but now I soldered some of the components on the board to test the functionality. I can happily say that most of it works; in the pictures you see the setup, the pressure in PSI over a number of samples while pressing a 14mm silicone tube of 5m length which was connected to the board, the lawnmower running a small website. Also, the ESP32 can be programmed by the Teensy by uploading a small program to the Teensy such that the computer thinks it's talking to the ESP32. In the first picture you see I uploaded the 'Blink' example of arduino to the ESP32 (the red LED is flashing). I think I am almost ready for a version 2.



Oh Oh !!!. :unsure:
I don't know that you build a PCB and i also create one .
Nothing is tested i work on Code and Unfortunatly i need to rewrite all for scratch for TEENSY 4 (No compatibility with DUE particular feature of the code) :mad:

You can see the Kicab in the AZURITBER repo.

When i have time i open a new thread for teensy management.
@bernard. You mean you are also working on a Teensy-based board? I thought that there wasn't one out there and since I really like designing the PCBs I just started doing it.

I anticipated that the code is not for Teensy. I was looking at the code a while back, and I think that quite some of it works 1 to 1 on the teensy as well. Some features did not compile but I had the feeling that it was manageable. I have been coding for Arduino/in C++ previously, so I think I can help with this.
@bernard. You mean you are also working on a Teensy-based board? I thought that there wasn't one out there and since I really like designing the PCBs I just started doing it.

I anticipated that the code is not for Teensy. I was looking at the code a while back, and I think that quite some of it works 1 to 1 on the teensy as well. Some features did not compile but I had the feeling that it was manageable. I have been coding for Arduino/in C++ previously, so I think I can help with this.
I have build 2 SIMPLE PCB (No SMD):
1 -- is the Power PCB including Power ON/OFF / battery management / 5 possible output over INA226 for sense mesurement of 5 motor and 2 output for DC/DC voltage to generate 5V and 3.3V for main PCB (2 I2C line communication for sense and voltage reading)
2 -- is the Main PCB including Teensy 4.1 / ESP32 DEV KIT V1 / GY-521 / Coin Cell for RTC and buzzer.

The code is more complex ,it's actually based on AZURITBER and only the arduremote is working today.
Stay to Dev (The IMU management / ADCManager / Perimeter /Watchdog / RTC / EEprom etc.........)
Votre lien ne renvoi pas vers un topic en rapport avec les bigmow/parcmow , j'aimerais savoir si "MrMKW" a réussi a aller au bout du projet ardumower parcmow ???