Mower keeps going in loops, what is going on?


New member
I finally got my mower up and running and when I put it in auto mode, it just goes in a small square pattern:
It says it is going forward and it goes backwards, it says it goes in reverse and it goes backwards. What is happening? My software is 1.7 azurit.
Hi Jonathan.
In Pfod
Swap left and right direction are use to make the mower in forward or reverse.
Please simply invert the value.
Hi Bernard, In the manual menu on pfod forward is forward and reverse is reverse so I think the settings are correct. Should it be just doing loops in auto mode?
Hi, not sure, please try what send you Bernard. If it will not work, try in setting switch of step by step sensors - bumper, sonar...then perimeter. Then we will see if this stops.
OK if the manual work i'm wrong:evil: .
But verify what Alda say, Bumper or sonar,If you use the IMU try without.
Be carrfeul that the Pfod command are not realy realtime for the state if it change faster.
Thanks guys, it turns out it was the sonar and the odometry that were causing the problems. Should the odometry be connected, it wasn't in the diagrams. It is now moving straight successfully. Now I have to tune the PID to detect the fence and I will be mowing!
I don't believe it's odometry AND sonar. I think it's odometry OR sonar. It think it must be a sonar because odmetry problems will jump into error and mower will stop, but too sensitive sonar will cause only return back and turning. But if it is really sonar you can see on the error counter in sonar menu under settings.

Hi, I turned off the sonar and then it would go in a straight line and stop after about 3 meters, when I checked the error counters it was the odometry stopping it. Do I need the odometry for anything?