instructions for the Ardumower board

I Did read almost all posts, but translating from German is pain in my ass for me.
Anyhow, today I'm close to finishing assembling the hardware with prototype PCB.
Now The first question I have is, Will be enough current over VIN and GND pin for MC33926?
Or I have to connect parallel harder wire, like I saw on vertical version from AlexsanderG?

Regards, and thanks for support.

I do had some more problems, but I reading posts in German, and many of them I successfully solved already.

And here is what I done with!


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here I am again. Since no one answer to my question, I did it on my way.
Today I just loaded main program to my Mega and after connecting motor to motor driver, and configurating a BT module,
my wheel mows at very first time on test mode. I needed couple of time to figure out, how the hell BT works on pfodApp.
Actually I found, that was just needed a press START button.

Now I have another Q !

Im using original 2 MOW motors. How do I connect it? One ON P37, but another? do I have to change something to connect it on P36?

That is my temporary USB connection, which I could use also on mower chassis
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OK, I will try to find, where to do this, or maybe any hint?
I will be happy for suggestion. :blush:
void Mower::setActuator(char type, int value){
  switch (type){
    case ACT_MOTOR_MOW: setMC33926(pinMotorMowDir, pinMotorMowPWM, value); break;

you must change code at this point, maybe like this

void Mower::setActuator(char type, int value){
  switch (type){
    case ACT_MOTOR_MOW: setMC33926(pinMotorMowDir, pinMotorMowPWM, value); setMC33926(pinMotorMow2Dir, pinMotorMow2PWM, value); break;
Hi all!

Today I just did the first outdoor testing. Basic system works, also few sensors like BUMPER, and SONAR tested OK.
Thanks to Ardumower team, for great work.
In days followed, I will add IMU compass in casis, and than will be ready for first real mowing test.

Still have open my first question. If anyone know the solution, please give me a hint. I just don't want to damage MC33926 driver.

Can anyone translate to English notes on Schaltplan, printed in blue colour.
I think, that are some important notes there, but I cant understand exactly.!


From my understanding, but I'm not an electronic expert, the power of 1 channel of the MC33926 is a little bit short for the mower motor and that why in the latest instructions the 2 channels are connected in parallel (see Mowerblock.jpg).

I'm also building a mower with 2 mow motors from the shop, so I decide to replace the MC33926 by 2 MOSFET (55 V, 30 A !) circuits that were previously used and which drawing can be found in the forum (see mowermotorFETswitch.pdf) . I added 2 ACS712-30, put everything on a small board of the size of the MC33926 and plug it at the place of the mower motor driver on PCB 1.2 (see MowerDriver.jpg)

And of course it is connected behind the new protector board, which, luckily enough has 2 channels :)

I hope I will be able to test it in few days ...
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