INA3221 andere Anschlüsse


New member
Hallo zusammen,

ich bin gerade am bauen meines Ardumower Arctic Hare aus dem 3D Drucker.

Für die Perimeter und Ladesteuerung habe ich den WIFI PERIMETER SENDER

von bernard nachgebaut und habe Probleme mit dem INA3221.

Ich habe mir mehrere Module von verschiedenen Anbietern bestellt und alle haben am Eingang (Output of the Charger) die Anschlüsse GND,GND,VPU. Sollten die nicht GND,POW,VPU haben oder verstehe ich hier etwas falsch?

Kann mir jemand ein Quelle sagen wo ich das richtige Modul INA3221 bekomme?


Lg. Christoph

INA3221 geliefert.jpegINA3221.JPG
You can use these module it's multiple voltage module (you can have 3 different voltage on Vin1 Vin2 Vin3)

Connect nothing on top connector GND GND VPU or GND GND VPU

GND or VIN1- <--> charger GND
CH1 or VIN1+ <--> DC/DC IN-

GND or VIN2- <--> charger GND
CH2 or VIN2+ <--> charging station --

Charger 29.4V + out <--> DC/DC IN+
Charger 29.4V + out <--> charging station ++

Ok thanks for the help, unfortunately there are the next problems.

I have only connected one perimeter but it keeps saying "Wire is cut".

Transmitter A also does not switch off when I connect a consumer to the charging station. current is measured. (157mA)

Perimeter current 0.052A
Perimeter 12.2 ohms

Transmitter A also does not switch off when I connect a consumer to the charging station. current is measured. (157mA)
It's possible if you set the auto_start_signal to 0 ,this setting is used to only manage the signal start stop over WIFI
Try to set this value to 1
Did it work OVER WIFI ?

What is the output voltage of DC/DC regulator ?
What is the lenght of the test wire ?

Capture d’écran 2022-12-01 074840.jpg
The auto_start_signal is on 1. I can switch the transmitters (A and B) on and off via WIFI.
For the Worktime counter to start counting, does a robot have to be present, or is it sufficient if I test it with any consumer on the INA3221 CH2?

Is the message Wire_is_Cut for transmitters A and B or only for the active transmitter?
I also set the Peri_Current_Min to 25 as I only measured 0.052A on the test wire.
Transmitter B is not wired between L298N and ESP32.

The output of the DC/DC is 10V,

The test wire is 7.5 meters with a 12ohm 50w resistor

Worktime counter to start counting,
Counter start when the wire signal is set to ON (A or B).
message wire is cut is actualy only for sender A (CH1 on INA3221)
if ((enableSenderA) && (PeriCurrent < PERI_CURRENT_MIN)) {
        oled.setTextXY(5, 0);
        oled.putString("  Wire is Cut  ");

Are you sure to have connected the wire (DC/DC) on CH1 and the charging contact on CH2 ??
Are you sure to have connected the wire (DC/DC) on CH1 and the charging contact on CH2 ??

Yes, in the photo of me you can see that the blue wire goes from CH1 VIN1+ to DC/DC IN-.

blue wire.JPG

I think the problem is that no current is measured on CH1. I also tried the whole thing with another INA3221 module, unfortunately the same error.

Set senderA to ON using wifi.
Wait 5 Min and check if the big wire resistor heat (40 - 50 degree) if the signal is sent.
Yes the resistor is heat, I measured 44mA on the perimeter wire with the meter.

At CH1 I measured 276mA with the perimeter wire connected and 60mA without the perimeter wire.
I think that's true. Only the INA3221 itself does not measure any current on CH1.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I don't remember why but i have a shunt between GND and A0, maybe I2C adress selector to have 0x40 ??

    #define INA3221_ADDRESS                         (0x40)    // 1000000 (A0+A1=GND)
    #define INA3221_READ                            (0x01)