ESP32_RFID_mqtt Sender start

Just for Information

I put the station V2 into operation and wanted to switch on the sender via WLAN (SenderIP/A1). Unfortunately, this did not work until I found a typo in the ESP32_RFID_mqtt.ino:

// End of record detected. Time to parse and check for non pfod sentence
//here data coming from mqtt or pfod over wifi
if (debug) Serial.println(line_receive);
if (strncmp(line_receive, "#SENDER", 7) == 0) { //Se war "$SENDER"

This is line 470 for me. Before SENDER there was a dollar sign instead of the double cross.

Now it works :)

I have only 421 line in the ESP32_RFID_mqtt.ino ???.
DUE send #SENDER to ESP32 , it's in robot.cpp line 439 , so you are OK , but i need to understand why it work on my side with the #SENDER in due and $SENDER into ESP32 ???? :unsure:
I've added some anti flicker lines to the code.
Really strange. I guess, If the strings do not match the function cannot work. Do you activate the sender with the interupted charging? I also had to change some lines to get the timeout working. Maybe your sender is always on?
I'll try to send my changes shortly...
Best Regards
Hi Bernard,
here the sender_ESP32_INA3221_2loops.ino file. Sorry, I havn't marked my changes.


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