ESP-01 causes (?) Due to reset


New member
Hi guys!
I have a PCB-1.3 board and recently bought an RTK-GPS kit.
I am trying to get the Sunray firmware to work but I am having all kinds of issues.
Before anyone comments on the problems with the ESP-01, please describe the problems you have with them.
My first problem was how to upgrade the ESP-01 to v2.2.1.
I had to turn to Windows to make it work. The option DoNotChgBin must be off.
Apparently something is modified while flashing. Anyone know how to do this in Linux ?
I might read back the flash and compare to see what was modified.
My second problem is that the Arduino Due resets whenever startWIFI() function runs.
More exactly when the command "AT+CWJAP_CUR="<SSID>","<PASSWORD>" has been sent.
In readUntil the statement espSerial->available() never gets fully executed.
I have had the ESP-01 on a breadboard hooked up to a computer and it works just fine.
Takes some time for it to connect to my Wifi by that is not a problem.
Thinking its a current issue I use the same power source as for the breadboard test I just mentioned
but to no avail.
A funny detail is that when I added an extra baud rate parameter to try for the BLE device
the Due resetted earlier, right after AT+RST, meaning it happening during wifiDriverInit.
I am thinking this is a whole different issue than the ESP-01 causing the problem.
Maybe something in the U(S)ART drivers in the Arduino IDE environment or sth.
Any one has any inputs ?
I am really f**kin tired of mowing the land by hand.. :)
