DUE auf PCB 1.2


Active member
Hallo zusammen,

bei mir werkelt noch ein MEGA auf dem PCB 1.2. Über den Winter möchte ich mal auf den DUE wechseln. Ich habe aber Probleme, die erforderlichen Schritte zusammen zu tragen. DIe Infos liegen überall verstreut und ich hoffe, dass mir hier jemand einen Tipp geben kann, was ich alles tun muss.

Das PCB hat ja Platz für einene Step Down Wandler für 3.3V. Den habe ich bisher nicht bestückt. Was ich jetzt gesehen habe ist, dass ich den 5V StepDown auf 3.3 setzen muss, da der DUE mit 3.3V Logikspannung arbeitet. Den ehemals für 3.3V vorgesehene Steckplatz wird dann mit einem Stepdown bestückt und auf 5V eingestellt.

Was hat es mit dem Pegelwandler U10 auf sich? Bisher habe ich dort ebenfalls keinen gebraucht. Welche Pegel wandelt er denn? Wandelt er 3.3V auf 5V oder ist dessen Aufgabe, die 5V Signale von z.B. US Sensoren, Odometrie (Lichtschranke) usw. auf 3.3V zu setzen? Reicht ein Pegelwandler aus? Es gibt ja sicherlich einige Pegel, die anzupassen sind.

Ist sonst noch was zu löten? Widerstände o.Ä. zu tauschen?
Wie stehts mit EEPROM? Der DUE hat meines Wissens kein eigenes EEPROM. Ich habe mich sehr daran gewöhnt, Parameter mittels Arduremote bzw. pfodApp zu setzen. Kann ich EEPROM am PCB nachrüsten?

Wie stabil läuft denn jetzt Azurit mit dem DUE? Einige haben den ja erfolgreich am laufen.

Wäre toll, wenn mir jemand hilft, die vielen Threads und Anleitungen zu ordnen.

Viele Grüße
Hi Paddy
I use a PCB1.2 and Due without problem BUT MAIN QUESTION why did you want to make the change ?

Look this Post http://www.ardumower.de/index.php/de/forum/your-projects/911-denna-plattform?start=40#10783
So after reverse the 3.3 and 5 voltage you need to pay attention with the input and output of the Due (The Buzzer and Led need change)

The Buzzer add a transistor or remove it (see post),
The Led simply cut the Resistor R5 R20 R21 or remove them.

The U10 is only for I2C i try but without succes and the I2C bus is not OK on the PCB1.2.
To solve this i use a I2c Multiplexer TCA9548 connected on P5 and 3.3V so i can use The RTC at 5V and the IMU at 3.3V or other I2c module without problem and it's better than the PCB1.3 Solution because you can use more than 1 of same I2C device at the same time .
The Bluetooth stay in place and no problem after removed R7 R8 shunt R6 and use 3.3V so JP9 close
The Odometry No change.
The Perimeter Receiver No change.
The Charging No Change.

Sonar don't know but for me need a Voltage diviser.

For the EEPROM
Only when you upload a sketch into the DUE all is erase ,but in other case it's work like the mega and save data into itself when power OFF, so possible to work without RTC but need a factory Reset and all calibration after each Uplod sketch.
To Solve this problem the Due use the eeprom on The RTC board so all value are saved like with the Mega but into the RTC.

Normaly The Azurit 1.08 DEV work without the I2C multiplexer but in my case i can't make the RTC and IMU work at the same time for more than 20 Minutes, It's why i add the TCA9548.

Hope it's can Help.
Hello Bernard,

thank you for your answer. As I see, there are only some minor changes needed so I can work after season on it. the main reason I want to replace the MEGA with DUE is computing power. I want to use 2 perimeter coils, archimedical spiral mode and other cool stuff I've seen here in past. In my opinion, MEGA has not enough power to handle all this. Shieldbuddy would be great but is pretty expensive.

I didn't know that DUE uses EEPROM from RTC. This is cool. You wrote, that data will be saved when power off. I understand that all configuration will be lost in case of firmware update. But if I don't use RTC (don't use it currently), how could data be saved when power off (often occurs because emergency stop gets triggered by childrens swing, slide, small trees) without having EEPROM?
look at this . http://www.ardumower.de/index.php/d...n-eeprom-on-sketch-upload-with-the-due#13270.
Before this date the azurit DEV in Github use the DUE eprom so if you use a version after this date you need a RTC but before this date the data are saved into the DUE and all work like the Mega save setting is OK and you can switch OFF the mower without erase the change made into PFOD.
Data are lost only when upload a new sketch.

During the test maybe you need to put your main change directly into the Mower.cpp .

If you don't use the RTC and the IMU it's very easy to make the change from Mega to DUE.
