Communication mobile phone to ardumower


New member

I have another question...
Unfortunately I cannot communication to the esp32 via wifi.
I inserted right wlan credentials (ssid + password)

#define WIFI_STA_SSID "xxxxssid" // WiFi SSID (leave empty ("") to not use WiFi)
#define WIFI_STA_PSK "xxxxpassword" // WiFi password (leave empty ("") to not use WiFi)

Now I get following output:

ESP32 firmware V0.3.6,Bluetooth V4.0 LE
Configuring WDT...
41 ping
Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: xxxxssid
using dynamic IP
Connection Failed!
2817 ping
Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: xxxxssid
using dynamic IP
Connection Failed!
5318 ping
7319 ping
9320 ping
11321 ping

--> There is no "Connection Failed" but also there is no "You're connected with SSID="

Is there any failure from my side and how can I solve this?

2. question:
Ardumower Tutorials Sunray App 2021 (German with English sub-titles) - YouTube
In this Video at 2:50 there is a connection of the mobile phone to the esp32. How does he know the actual ipadress? Can I also print this ipadress?

3. in sunray config.h file I can also adjust wlan credentials altought there is no esp32 module. Is it legacy?
Look at following code snippet of config.h file. In my opinion I dont need this, am I right?

#define START_AP false // should WIFI module start its own access point?
#define WIFI_IP 192,168,2,15 // choose IP e.g. 192,168,4,1 (comment out for dynamic IP/DHCP) - NOTE: use commans instead of points
#define WIFI_SSID "myssid" // choose WiFi network ID
#define WIFI_PASS "mypassword" // choose WiFi network password

Thank you.
1. But as I mentioned there is no output: "You're connected with SSID="

I think this output is needed, am I right?

2. How about the wifi code in Sunray.ino directory? Is this code needed or would it be possible the remove this code?
If you connect the ESP32 to your Windows PC and insert the right SSID and password, then the ESP32 will make a connection to your W-LAN network. Did you connect the right antenna? The two similars antennas are the antennas for the RTK/GPS moduls.
The ESP32 must not connected to the Ardumower mainboard for check if it will make a connection to your W-LAN network.
Thank you.
I tried today again and I think it worked today. Problem might was: the Router had some firewall....
I will try again and give feedback :)