Charger Error


Good morning, what could be the cause of the Charger error when the mower leaves the charging station? This stops the mower.
does the mower drive out of the station with a fully charged battery ?
how do you drive the mower out, what commands do you use?
Gruß Fürst Ruprecht
1. The mower stands in the charging station (16.7 Volts 4x4 18650 charged battery)
2. STAT status
3. I click Auto Mode in the application
4. The mower drives straight back (leaves the station)
5. The mower stops
6. Error sound
7. Charger error appeared in the application
the code is:
// check for charging voltage disappearing before leaving charging station
if (millis() >= stateEndTime-500){
//setActuator(ACT_CHGRELAY, 1); // do we need this?
if (millis() >= stateEndTime){
if (chgVoltage > 5) {
addErrorCounter(ERR_CHARGER); <---------------------
setNextState(STATE_ERROR, 0);
} else setNextState(STATE_STATION_REV, 0);

the mower drives out of the garage in STATE_STATION_CHECK - the charging voltage is greater than 5V .
So increase the time for STATE_STATION_CHECK or check the charging contacts. Apparently the charging contact is closed too long.
Gruß Fürst Ruprecht
Somehow it started to work well. After changing the settings, you need to restart the mower for them to take effect? Times below 2 seconds were probably too short. I increased times, saved and restarted. The mower left and started mowing. It's hard to guess what these settings are for at first. You have to act by trial and error. Thanks for the help.
When you change settings, they apply immediately. If you don't save them, they are gone after a soft or hardware reset.
Gruß Fürst Ruprecht