Azuritber MPU 9250

one probleme solved another came up.
The perimeter out was caused by the receiver wire to close to the mower motor. Rerouted it and the peri out is gone.
With imu activated the mower is now driving a curve instead a straight line
This is what i see on Strtup:
--> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* Start Robot Setup at 2502 --> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Load ErrorCounters
ErrorCounters address Start=500
ErrorCounters address Stop=522
UserSettings are read from EEprom Address : 2000 To 2501
Load Robot Stats
Robot Stats address Start = 800
Robot Stats address Stop = 826
IMU: found calib data
Load Calibration
Calibration address Start = 600
Calibration address Stop = 650
-------- IMU CALIBRATION --------
ACCEL GYRO MPU6050 OFFSET ax: 376 ay: -1768 az: 1512 gx: 91 gy: 12 gz: -2
COMPASS OFFSET X.Y.Z AND SCALE X.Y.Z --> comOfs=0.00,0.00,0.00
--------------------------------- START IMU GYRO ACCEL -------------------
Connected with MPU-9250/MPU-9255
Wait for GYRO near 10 secondes
Initial GYRO/ACCELL Yaw :-2.91 Pitch : 1.49 Roll : 0.24
With Offset GYRO/ACCELL Yaw :-2.91 Pitch : 0.00 Roll : 0.00
--------------------------------- START COMPASS --------------------------
Compass Yaw: 0.00 Diff between compass and accelGyro in Radian / Deg-0.05 / -2.91
--------------------------------- IMU READY ------------------------------
Change to Area : 1
New sigcode in use : 1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,
matchSignal size=24
capture size=192
------------------------------- GPS Initialisation --------------------------------------------
Send config sentence
End of Gps Config
Ardumower 1.42-Azuritber
Config: Ardumower
d for menu
v to change console output (sensor counters, values, perimeter etc.)

Watchdog is enable and set to 2 secondes
And another one RTC Datat error. I think i will start again rom the fresh firmware upload and do the setup steps again.

Bernard thanks for your patience
No Problem because MPU-9250 is new.
RTC Data error occur also on my side sometime after 1 hour ,sometime 2 hours, sometime not at all .
It's something that alexander solve into sunray, so i try to adjust my code according.

But i see in your console that your Compass is not calibrate , so it's better to deactivate it into Setting / IMU
Hi Bernard,
i loaded the new code into the due and now the Wifi over esp works. thanks a lot.
I also re calibrated the compass. looks ok now.
Just wait for a dry day to do some more testruns.

OK, perfect.
Sometimes on my side the mower stop with RTC issue but it's the MPU-9250 that freeze I2C bus.(I never see isuue with GY-88 or GY-87, only since i test the MPU-9250)
Tell me if you see this error maybe after 1 or 2 hours ,maybe never !!!
Not sure compass help a lot ,i have deactivate it and use only GYRO ACCEL.