Ardumower sunray app not calculating



I have just mapped my lawn with this awsome mower! But when I try to calculate, it just say "calculation done" it does not create waypoints in the map.

What does the red dot means? Server offline? Have I done any illegal choices when I did this?

Hope you guys can help me 😀

Could you share your map (Sunray App menu ...->MAPPING->Share maps->Share) and let us know the shared map ID, so we can look closer into your mapping. Thanks!
It must have been a server offline, since the red dot dissapered and I could Calc map.

Map ID 898107

Even if I have overlapping exclusions and no space for the mower to pass, it makes way over the excluded area to get around. So it seems to not be a problem that I dont have connected areas.
Could you make the perimeter include the exclusions? (or make the exclusions include the perimeter, depending on what you need...)
For example, if you change the bottom center like this, it will not plan through exclusions:

Screenshot from 2021-05-27 18-51-20.png

You can add perimeter points by:
1. ensure "MAPPING" mode is selected in menu
2. selecting one corner of the perimeter (red cross appears)
3. click on button '.+' (new point is added at the existing perimeter point)
4. then move around the newly added point
(A basic license will be required for edit operations...)

Quickstart manual:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thanks a lot for the tip! :) Now it looks great. And I like the new camera feature. Had to put an old smart phone on top to have live view 😀