Ardumower Control Center (Entwicklungsecke)

Hi Paddy
In the past i already take a look at ROS (Very Cool on YouTube) but unfortunatly it's difficult to run it into Raspberry PI (RVIZ for example).
I see that, RVIZ,Vision etc.. works well into a PC but never into only a Rasperry and for me it's not possible to have a PC always connected to the mower to make it work.

Maybe this king of config is easier.
The Azurit exist and work well to control the mower (all hardware) so simply develop a new communication protocol between arduino and PI.
The PI can be used to store data and manage the working Area with the help of the data coming from AZURIT and GPS,second IMU etc....

The Control Center can be use for Debug,Statistique, setting etc....

For the PI part i tell you i prefer to work with Python because i can find a lot of existing Clas for IMU,GPS,NMEA etc...and i don't want to devellop all by myself.

Did the Control Center use a particular communication protocol ?

Hello Bernard,

I'm not sure if I got you right regarding communication protocol. CC and Arduino communicates only by serial communication. You get exactly the same as you see in serial monitor of your Arduino IDE. There is nothing more. Because Azurit already has some kind of serial communication protocol used for pfod app, I'll try to use the same for CC (sending the same commands as pfod-app does). This will enrich the feature set of CC fast without changing Azurit. But to be onest, I'm pretty sure that I must enhance the currently used serial commands in Azurit.

The best solution would be to have a new kind of protocol (commands) as interface between RPI and Azurit. I know that someone discussed this topic in past. As far as I know, there was no outcome.

Because CC uses node.js, you can use a rich set of JavaScript Libraries out there. So I'll stick to this and will not learn phyton.

currently I have stopped working on CC for many reasons. Manly because I think it should be much more split in modules.Each should be actively maintained and stripped down until it is something like a library. Frontends are better done elsewhere thought. However I would be happy to help if I can. However have a look at what ros web tools can do already

For Ros it doesn't matter where something is generated or in what programming language so Ardumower could stay like it is, just the protocol has to be reviewed. I looked in many frameworks but at the end they all look like ROS solutions e.g Directions for the mover base are send as velocity commands with six floats like this [linear: x: 2.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 angular: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0] See the
turtle tutorial example . That's why there logo is a turtle ;)

also here you can find a raspberry pi image with ROS and ubuntu mate (configured with working RVIZ ;-)

for me (unfortunately in German only) this webside has the best tutorials/podcast around that installation

long story short...ardumower from my point of view is still one of the best hardware platforms but honestly doing high level calculation can be done better somewhere else

very interesting your Work.
I think i have an little hint. Azurit use more than one serial Port. In Terminal it reads only the Terminal commands. At the Bluetooth or Wlan Port it reads the PFOD Commands.

Hi to everyone,

I started my work on Azurit and I may found a good way. I enhanced the Azurit code with a new code file which enhance the robot class. In robot class, I added a few additional attributes so the user can select if common serial output or RMCS sentences (see Wiki) should be used. Any serial command and menu is still fully supported. Currently, it only outputs some status and event messages. Next step will be implementation of some command messages.

If everything work, you will find the code on git.
