$1,000,000 Ardumower!

Alright guys.  Here goes.  I applied to the casting call for America's Greatest Makers Season 2.  And I recived a callback and .pdf to fill out so we could set up a Skype interview.

My idea was to build an autonomous mower.  And then I found you folks.  I have descided that while it would be a life changing experience (not to mention the $1,000,000 cash prize if you win,)  but I can't in good conscience re-invent the wheel.

I like what you folks are doing here.  Especially the part where it was all open source.  They seemed to like the idea of offering an affordable kit or partnering with a large lithium mower manufacturer.  The choice is yours though.  This is my way of thanking all of you for your hard work.

Go forth!  And apply now!  https://www.americasgreatestmakers.com/
And hurry.  The deadline to email the pdf they give you is only a day or 2 away.

Anyone fluent in German, you are welcome to quote this.

Also, if they try and say they already have a canditate tell them Andrew C. Posted here and to email me if they need varification of my opting out.

Good Luck Ardumower community!!!!

Andrew C.