
  1. E

    IMU installation

    hello ! the spring is coming more earlier then ever ... so i would like to wire the GY 801 where i can find informations about that ? i've found ...
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    IMU installation

    hello, i've bought the gy-87: GY-87 10DOF MPU6050 BMP180 HMC5883L capteur Arduino Raspberry Pi but i wonder if it is the good one (the good one is it the "9-axis IMU sensor GY-801...
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    Odometrie installation

    hello i've bought the odo: i've got the PCB 1.3 (i connect to the P8 and P9 on the PCB) the connector of the odo are: - VCC - GND - D01 - D02 first question: - how to identify the...
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    what version of pfod use ?

    Hello everyone, I finally finished to construct the ardumower. Compiled the ardumower code with just sonar : the mower have a good behavior. To go more far i would like to read data (same as when the arduino is connected by usb and we can see values in the output serial :ctrl M ) and perhaps...
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    right place for D10 ?

    Hello everyone I would like to know if my position of the D10 is good, there is no indication for this position anywhere. Thanks.