Aktueller Inhalt von max@birley_com

  1. M

    PCB 1.3 files to have the board printed

    Over the years I have purchased and build 2 pub boards. I now want to use the board on a different project. As this project is open source are the file needed to have the board manufactured available as I want to modify it for may other project I am happy to make these mods public Regards max
  2. M

    C++ programming help wanted

    Hi Guys I have not visited this site for some time. I have been off developing 3 mowing robots all different sizes. Largest is 50 inch cut. We have written all the code from scratch and also use an Arduino Due and Raspberry pi. Most of the code is written for the working prototype however I need...
  3. M

    Jürgen's Bumper-Duino Board

    Hi Jochen Sorry about that. I will do in future In the meantime I sorted out the problem. I was using rx to TX so I change the serial to rx to rx and the sketch uploaded Thanks Max
  4. M

    Jürgen's Bumper-Duino Board

    Here is a screen shot of the errors Attachment: https://forum.ardumower.de/data/media/kunena/attachments/4262/Slide1.jpg/
  5. M

    Jürgen's Bumper-Duino Board

    Dear Jurgen I have assembled your Bumperduino board rev 15072015. I purchased it from the shop. I am attaching photos of the front and back. I tried to upload the code and am getting sync errors. I assume the boot loader was installed on the atmega chip. How can I diagnoses the problem or do...
  6. M


    Here is the youtube link https://youtu.be/HrD2X_6uJjE Let me know if it works
  7. M

    Engine and power noise

    The PDF can be found here https://github.com/Ardumower/ardumower/blob/master/Dokumentation/Motor%20Entstoerung/Motor%20EntstoerungREV20150531.pdf Thanks for the info on the oscilloscopes. There are so many on the market it is difficult to know where to start Regards Max
  8. M

    Engine and power noise

    Hi all I was reading a PDF by Mr J Lange regarding the reduction of electrically generated noise. Before I carry out his suggestions I want to understand exactly how to measure this noise in the first place. I assume I need an oscilloscope. As I would need to buy one so I would appreciate if...
  9. M


    Hi Bernard I am currently using Actobotic 313 rpm motors. However I want to get the mini to be as close to a ardumower as possible so when I make changes to the mini they will translate to the larger ardumower. I reason I do this as it is easier for me to work in the winter in doors with a mini...
  10. M


    Dear Bernard I have just finished a second pcb 1.3 the check list in the wiki statess http://wiki.ardumower.de/index.php?title=PCB_1.3_(English)#Videos set jumper JP13 on PCB back side for a Marotronics Arduino Due (i.e. Due clone) for automatic reset what is automatic reset and is it...
  11. M


    Dear Bernard I just got your reply. Before you replied I purchased 2 of these motors with encoders for my mini https://www.servocity.com/313-rpm-hd-premium-planetary-gear-motor-w-encoder they run at 313 rpm, have alot of torque and have in built encoders. Please see link for details and...
  12. M


    Dear Bernard this is my encoder http://www.robotshop.com/en/lynxmotion-quadrature-motor-encoder-v2-cable.html this is my motor http://www.robotshop.com/en/ghm-16-gear-motor-rear-shaft.html I have just bought some acrobatic motors with inbuilt encoders
  13. M

    Setup with the DUE

    Dear Bernard I have replaced the mega with the Due.Many thanks with that I loaded the software you sent and so far no smoke. So it is looking good Bluetooth is working and I see the new menu with Odo and IMU test. I have calibrated the IMU. it was not accepted as shown in the log . So I...
  14. M

    Overall Set up order

    Dear All Software is ardumower master off gut hub Arduino mega board PCB 1.3 I have a mini working to some degree. It has bluetooth and an IMU, perimeter system, odometer, and sonar. Forgetting sonar for now in which order would you set up these elements so as to build on a solid behavior in...
  15. M

    Overall Set up order

    I generally only use Apple equipment. It seems that the prod app is written for an Android. Is there an Apple equivalent? if there isn't and I have to buy an android will it work ok on a tablet or does it only work well on a phone re screen size. regards Max