Where's the documentation of the sender board?


There are some LEDs, two potentiometers and a 12 V jumper/connector but I didn't find a documentation. The potentiometers were mentioned somewhere along with the pfodApp - but I cannot find it any more. Is the pfodApp really required or is the processing IDE a full featured replacement?

Is there a recommendation on how to install the board along with its sockets (speaker clamps, charger outlet, PSU inlet) into the case?
You have nothing to adjust on sender (except 9V and 10 to 15 ohms) see wiki
Only the yellow led is usefull.
ON the sender is ok and send the signal.
BLINK the mower is connected to the station.
OFF the perimeter wire is cut.

Jumper is here to avoid distroy the nano on first start,So before connecting the jumper adjust the DC DC step down to 9V and only after you can populate the jumper.

The 2 poti on the sender are not use in the last firmware.
The poti on receiver Turn it to full on left or right (and read value on pfod setting perimeter 1500 or 2000 when coil very near the wire))

Instal the board : like you want( i never use the box and no issue )
Thanks a lot for answering most of my questions this quickly!

I thought the LED on the arduino would be the status LED which would render all other board leds useless?

According to the wiki the DC/DC converter has to be adjusted to a voltage that brings the perimeter current into the correct range. Are 9 V always a good choice or shall I compute the voltage as suggested in the wiki? Erwait ... why is that jumper labeled "12V" while the DC/DC converter shall be adjusted to 9 V?