ultrasonic sensor jsn-sr04t-2.0


I bought the waterproof ultrasonic sensors jsn-sr04t version 2.0. I have them attached to the normal hc sr04 sensors but they do not work. I saw on the internet that from version 1.0 to version 2.0 there were problems. Has anyone tried them? can you tell me how I could make them work? it's a software or hardware problem? I forgot to use the pcb 1.3 and azurit 1.09.
thank you guys ...
I use 4 of these sensors without any issue but not on Azurit V1.09.
Maybe it's software issue with the distance detection.

What platform did you use ?
It's a modified version of azurit.
Here the thread where we test the sonar (The difference with SR04 is in the distance detection) https://www.ardumower.de/index.php/...ull-odometry-mouvement-control?start=20#14015 See also the next thread where i solve the main issue.
Do you have knowledge with programming , If yes i can send you the code but you need to have odometry working and need to deactivate a lot of option to make it run into your platform.
Also a factory setting is mandatory and you lost your specific setting.

Here the Zip code.
It's for your sonar but remember that the sonar Don't work between 0 and 20 Cm but very well near 80 CM
The motor setting are for a Denna or Paranello platform so you need to change the setting into motor and odometry.
The IMU neeed to be a GY88 and a Raspberry Pi is also an option.
The code work perfectly with all this option but i never test without.

Maybe if you deactivate the IMU and the Raspberry Pi it can work on your platform but only in random mowing mode.

Or Simply adapt the Sonar part on Azurit 1.09.

Good luck.
Remainber you need a factory setting

Attachment: https://forum.ardumower.de/data/media/kunena/attachments/3545/azuritber_2019-01-08-2.zip/
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Into mower.cpp you need to set the laser sensor use to false
VL53L0Use =false;
Into mower.h
//#define Console Serial
//#define CONSOLE_BAUDRATE 115200 // baudrate used for PC

#define Console SerialUSB
#define CONSOLE_BAUDRATE 250000
Uncomment the 2 first part and comment the 2 last
Sorry for bumping up an old question but I’m in the same boat of requirement.

And to my surprise there are quite a few new sensors in town:

This one has 2 transducers instead of 1 therefore has less minimum detection distance as compared to JSN SR04T. It is also completely sealed and waterproof.


Before finalizing on this I had bought another one which was a waterproof modified version of HC-SR04 from here


The 1st one is much more rugged and waterproof as compared to the latter one.