Settings Not Persisting


New member
1. Why is it that I have to first start a serial connection through computer / usb before I can connect through bluetooth? The PFOD app with see the Ardumower bluetooth connection but it is not able to connect / control until after I first connect using a serial connection. Any idea why?
2. My settings do not persist in between mowing runs.

My battery setup is a bit different and might be the cause of these issues. I'm in the states and was not able to purchase the recommended battery so I decided to reuse some of my 40V Greenworks batteries by using a 40v -> 24v step down converter. I have a hard switch in between battery and step down converter that I use to disconnect power when I am done running the mower. Is this shutoff causing the problems above? I was thinking that the settings were being persisted using EEPROM, so shouldn't those settings persist if I disconnect power from the board?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,
Check if RTC is powered and work without Usb connections.
Data are saved inside Rtc chip and persist always without any power and persist also without the small 3v cell bat.

Is Jp8 always on ???