Saving a new local version of the Ardumower code o

Got another question.
I load the Ardumower code. I then modify the "user settings" to make the code applicable to my chassis and then I want to save the that version on my PC. So I use save to write over the old code version and settings with the new ones. This seems to work. I sometimes have to use "save as" and also it seems that I have to "load factory settings" to get the updates settings to become active????

Then I make some more changes via ArduRemote or Pfod. These changes seem not to be able to be saved or synchronised with the code in the Arduino IDE.

Is there a better way to capture all the setting changes or am I doing something wrong

Due or Mega,
If due the setting are replace by factory setting when upload a new sketch or you need to download the last update from alexander.
If Mega no problem your setting are permanently saved and changed only when load factory setting.

The factory settings are what you find in mower.cpp and replace all the last value you have saved (With Pfod) when use this option.

If upload often your code it's better to put your chassis value into mower.cpp.

These changes seem not to be able to be saved or synchronised with the code in the Arduino IDE.
No Pfod or Arduremote change can be synchronised with the code.