RTC does not keep the time

I have on my pub an etc. The battery is charged and it is plugged in properly. I update the correct time in ArduRemote and save the settings. When I reconnect the time is in 2020 again.
Any ideas

Hi Jurgen
RTC is enabled via the Arduino IDE and also in ArduRemote. In ArduRemote I have selected a Timer and in Date/Time to set the time and date. For some reason I get dates in 2016 or 2020
If I only connect via usb and no battery power I get a RTC err. When the power is on no error but the wrong date when I check the RTC with option C
I will remove it and check the soldering
I am also installing an IMU. Currently I have an IMU com error. Is that due to the RTC not functioning?
In another post I have requested info regarding the setup of the IMU however no response so far!!
I have connected both the 5v and 3.3 volt connections to the GY-801 IMU. Is this correct or should I only choose one. GND, SDA and SCL are obvious
I have also set JC2 to 3.3 volts based on the wiki
Any ideas
Hi Max
Due or Mega on the board ? You say JC2 to 3.3V so i think a Due.
For the moment i don't connect the IMU but the RTC work perfectly with Pfod .
Maybe try to remove the Imu and JC2 to test with only the RTC.
Be sure to use a LIR2032 button cell. Unlike the CR2032, it is rechargeable. Some modules have built-in rechargeable circuits that can damage at use of a "normal" button cell.

If I only connect via usb and no battery power I get a RTC err. When the power is on no error but the wrong date when I check the RTC with option C

If you only supply via USB, the RTC has no supply voltage.
You have to set the RTC once with supply voltage

Which main board do you use 1.3?

I have a 1.3 board and a mega NOT Due. I connected jc2 to 3.3v because I did not want to blow the IMU. I am still unclear exactly how to wire the IMU. do I connect the 5 and 3.3 V connections and JC2 which way 3.3 or 5 volts? I really would appreciate an answer on the IMU wiring/connection

Before I started connecting the IMU I had (and still do) trouble with the RTC. I understand from your reply that the RTC must be working correctly before using the IMU agreed? Y/N
Dear Jurgen
Thanks for your reply I will get the LIR battery. My RTC came from the Ardushop. It came with a CR battery. I will test the RTC board later on today. In case it is not working I have ordered another
I am using the PCB 1.3
I have 2 RTC and they have CR2032 battery ?? and work normaly (maybe no charge circuit or chinese error ???)
You say you use the Test with option C so it's normal that the time and date is erase during the test.
Did you have a BT module and arduremote ?
In the first step, the RTC should work on the i2C.
The wiring for the IMU looks like this.

PCB 1.3>>>>>>>IMU
+5VP >>>>>>>> VCC_IN
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3,3V (not connected to the MAIN 1.3)
GND>>>>>>>>> GND

The remaining connectors of the imu are not needed. Note that the SCL and SDA on the IMU do not have the same order as on the MAIN1.3.
Set JC2 to 3.3V. The IMU requires a 3.3V I2C bus.
Final situation on the RTC.
After ordering a new RTC and fitting it to the PCB 1.3 the time is working 100% ok.
Simply the problem was caused by a non functioning RTC
now to sort out the IMU