Question about charging


New member
Hi All,

I am proud of you guys for the whole design and configuration of this machine. Great work!

First a short introduction. (I am Dutch so I am not a native English writer, so apologies in advance..)
Since a couple of weeks I am the proud owner of a "Black Sheep", the working title of my Mower..
As a non-technician I managed to build the Mower, assemble the board, and build the periwire-sender. With a fully charged battery my liddle darling cuts the grass with great precision. Bluetooth is up and running.


I ran in to a problem that I am not able to solve, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
When I put my mower on my desk (wooden blocks underneath), and apply 29.3 volts to the "external charging pins" (screws on top, + / - appropriately!) the following things happen:
- I still can reach my Mower by Bluetooth => OK
- the mower senses the 29.3 volt => it is "in the charging dock" => OK
- the charging-LED on the front is turned ON => OK
- the Mower senses 29.3 Volts applied to the external pins => ...
- NO charging current => ..
- the relais starts to switch on / off with about 2-3 seconds interval. => ...

Does anybody have an idea what I am doing wrong?
- I installed the variable resistant (RV1). Do I have to turn it to a certain "value"?
- D3, D4, D10 are all in place
- as I have the newest board, D8 is installed as indicated on the board, (contrary to the "fehler" as described) => or wasn't this updated in the latest version of the board? (The LED is never switched on, though, and Bluetooth is working perfectly..)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,

Hello Woody,

Depending on the kind of battery/charger you are using, the board configuration (as to which components are installed) will be different. I just say because it is not immediately clear from your post whether you are using Lithium batteries and external charger, or lead-acid batteries and the additional charging circuit.
Hello Manuel,

Thank you for your fast reply.

Let my specify:

I use 2 Lead batteries (12 V) in series. They deliver about 25-26 volt.
The charger I use, is the one from marotronics (24 V => 29 V)
The charger is linked to the perimeter. From there, "24 V" is taken to the "charging station" (to be built, now just two wires.
Charger-connector is not used. I use the charging-area left/right. When 24 V is applied to charging area, 24 V is measured over the two poles of the Charger-connector (P42)

With JP 7 bridged (closed) the relais switches on / off at about 2 seconds intervals (2 sec ON, 2 sec OFF etc)
With JP 6 bridged (closed), and 7 open relais waits 2 seconds, makes a fast switch (ON/OFF), arduino is reset, and the relais waits 2 seconds again.

- About the INA 169s: I only connected 5 header-pins to the base of the module. (rest is "interconnected")
- R17 is left "blank"
- D19: bridged by wire (Drahtbrücke)
- D3: placed MBR 1045, as I want to use the "laderegelung" (charger) Correct?
- D7: placed 1N5059, as I want to use the "laderegelung" (charger) Correct?
- Below D4 (MBR 1045) are two holes, looks like jumper-pins can be placed there. Now left blank. Correct?

Perhaps, could anybody upload a picture of a completed PCB, without the modules?

Kind regards,

Hi All,

short update.
In the wiki I found some alternative setting for the jumpers.

With charging via the "internal" system I have the following settings:
- D7: short-cut => done
- D3: short-cut => done
- D4: short-cut => done

- C1, C4, RV1 not used => applied (done)
- JP6 OPEN => done
- JP7 CLOSED => done
- C5 used => done

- U4 (I had to remove) => done

- Arduino boots
- LED => charging
- APP (PFOD): charge: 29.35 V, A: 0.0...
- relais in NOT switching ON/OFF, not even once..
- battery voltage: 25.4
- switch off if below: 23.8 (was 21.7, I Changed it for DEBUG-purposes)
- go home if below 23.7
- charging starts if V below 27, so should charge now..

Does U4 really needs to be left unused??

Any comments would be appreciated!

Kind regards,

Hello Bart,

Do you mean you have not installed R17? I would say it is needed in your case, since you are using the charger circuit for lead batteries.

EDIT: Or maybe not, as you are not using the charging circuit anymore :)
Hello Manuel,

Thank you for your help / reply.

I installed the 240 Ohm resistor in R17 as you mentioned but the ardumower is still not charging.
I read your post of about 2 months ago about R17, but where did you get that info from?
I could not find it in the PDF or on the website..

Could it be that I have to change the variables in the PFOD-app? I am a bit reluctant to change these parameters.

Could you upload a picture of your installed PCB?
Kind regards,

Woody schrieb:
Hello Manuel,

Thank you for your help / reply.

I installed the 240 Ohm resistor in R17 as you mentioned but the ardumower is still not charging.

Well, what I meant was that R17 is needed (or so I think) if you are using the additional charging circuit. Since you seem to have taken out of the board the other circuit components, then R17 should not be needed as well.

Woody schrieb:
I read your post of about 2 months ago about R17, but where did you get that info from?
I could not find it in the PDF or on the website..

Sorry, what info exactly are we talking about? As far as I can remember, the only thing I know about R17 is what is written in the assembly instructions, namely: R17 | 240 Ohm | Ladereglung | | Unbestück.

Woody schrieb:
Could it be that I have to change the variables in the PFOD-app? I am a bit reluctant to change these parameters.

Could you upload a picture of your installed PCB?
Kind regards,


I shall certainly post a pic of my board and I hope it will help, though I am using the proposed LiMn Akkupack + the pedelec charger, don't know if the board configuration should be the same por lead batteries.


Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
The promised picture. If there is anything you are not seeing there by all means let me know.




P.S.: INA169 module removed for clarity's sake.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hi Manuel,

Thank you for your fast reply and the attached picture! Very helpfull!

What kind of charging-solution do you have for your mower? What type of battery (a LIPO?)

Kind regards,

Hi Bart,

The battery I am using is the one described at the first post in this thread:

The charger is the one from the shop:
Whenever the mower needs charging I take it indoors and connect the charger to the charge connector in the back.
Currently I do not have a charging station since, when the mower is in operation, I need to be physically present due to, hmm ..., neighbourhood circumstances.

Hope this helps.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hi All,

Manuel, thank you for the picture. Helpfull.

Everything seems to be going fine!
when I attach my charger (from the shop):
- the mower shows it's in the charging station
- It is loading (!)
- It shows a current of 3.14 A (...). Fortunately, when I test the current with my multi-meter it shows about 1.5A, like the specs from the charger.

Most important question I have for the moment:
Do you have any idea if it will go terribly wrong when I use the loader from the shop for my lead-batteries??
(or "just" reduced lifespan of my battery?)

I am a bit reluctant to use LIPO batteries, as they are also called "LIPO-bombs". Besides, they break down easily due to imbalanced loading..

I tried to charge the mower with a 24-V lead-battery-charger, but due to it's "intelligence", it does not charge: under normal circumstances there is no 24V on the charging pins. THerefore the charger "thinks" it is not connected to a battery. Bypassing the "relais" would be an option (charger stops by itself when charging is complete).
But: then 24 V is applied to the external charging pins.. Hope the mower does not hit the bottom of my car..

Any Idea how to charge the lead-batteries?

Kind regards,

Hello Bart,

Sorry, I don't really know if lead batteries can be charged with the charger from the shop, I am no expert and have not studied the subject (i.e.: have not googled it ;) ;) ).

Regarding the batteries, these are not LiPo but LiMn. This is a somewhat different technology, safer than LiPo, and individual cells do not suffer from voltage drift, or so they say. Other than that, I am quite satisfied with my pack's performance: this morning the ardumower has been working for two hours straight, until the battery voltage reached the "go home" level. That is: there was still room for quite a few minutes of working time until the "switch off" level.

