Perimeterempfänger plötzlich ausgefallen


Active member

Sind mit dem PCB 1.3 irgendwelche Probleme mit dem Perimeter bekannt? Der Mower läuft seit Monaten gut. Gestern fuhr er noch normal.

Seit heute wird der Perimeter unzuverlässig erkannt. Das Signal wechselt zwischen klaren, 4 stelligen Werten und einstelligen hin und her.

Kann natürlich ein Kabelbruch sein. Vielleicht aber auch was an der Platine, Kondensatoren etwa?

Oder an dem Empfänger selbst was bekannt? Der ist schon mehrere Jahre alt
Ist da was bekannt?
Normally no particular issue on PCB 1.3 for perimeter signal line.
Possible EMF Noise from motor.
Did you try to deactivate the mow motor and test again.
Also water in receiver or coil ?
Hello Bernard.
I will check cable and receiver. There was no issue for the last years but this does not mean there couldn't be now.
I will also try to run the mower without mow motor. Maybe there is an issue with motor driver now. I use the Polulu drivers since years but I noticed that they have serious issues with over heating. Grass was high and possibly it is damaged now causing noise.
Hello Bernard.
I will check cable and receiver. There was no issue for the last years but this does not mean there couldn't be now.
I will also try to run the mower without mow motor. Maybe there is an issue with motor driver now. I use the Polulu drivers since years but I noticed that they have serious issues with over heating. Grass was high and possibly it is damaged now causing noise.
On very high and wet grass it's certainly possible that the mow motor noise generate the issue.(big load)
It's something i always see with DUE and PCB1.3.
Trouble is really reduce with teensy adc decoder.