PCB files

Are the PCB files available for this board? Which is in the Ardumower shop. What version of the software is it for? And will this be the final board or will there be another for the Due? Thanks.

Hello Dan,

The PCB files are available for download (download instructions have been updated today): http://wiki.ardumower.de/index.php?title=Ardumower_PCB#Schematics.2FPCB_files
The PCB board is for the latest software only (SVN revision 500 or higher). You can find detailed download instructions here: http://wiki.ardumower.de/index.php?title=Ardumower_PCB#Download_and_flash_Arduino_code
This will be the final board (there are only minor PCB corrections/bugfixes). For Due, there will be available an adapter. You can find more information about it here: http://wiki.ardumower.de/index.php?title=Ardumower_PCB#PCB
This will be the final board (there are only minor PCB corrections/bugfixes). For Due, there will be available an adapter.

Thanks. Three more questions. You say minor PCB fixes, have they been done yet? I did not see the adaptor for the Due in the repository, what is the file name. Is or will just the board be available at the store and if it is where is it. I don't want a kit just the board. Thanks again.

Bump..... Are these bug fixes done? If so what version of the board is the final version? And the adaptor for the Due is it also finalized?