mc33926 damaged ?


In last days I spent a time with rework of my mower. Now my work is finished, but after switching on is right motor still turning. Is possible that half of motor driver mc33926 is damaged ? How to check it ?

Thanks for help

Dear Alex,
happen the same thing to me...I used you SVN modifications

Right motor test failed...
forwad right half speed ok....
reverse right full speed (don't rotate)....
forwwad left speed ok....
reverse left speed ok...

Could you help me understand why??

Also when I open the serial consol, the right wheel start tu turn....
Dear Fabio
Quite strange. I can't tell you where is problem with your mower,because it's different issue then my. Also my SVN modification was very small without influence on the motors function. But maybe problem is with current consumption. Which kind of motors you are using ?

Today I tested my problém with MC33926 driver and I think driver isn't damaged, but function is quite strange.
I did a measurement with multimeter and found following :
When ardumower is switched on : output right motor is 0V, output left motor is 24,8V.
When I will switch on motor test in serial monitor, on the right motor I can measure 12,4V on the half speed and 24,8V on the full speed. On the left motor I can measure also 12,4V on the half speed and 24,8V on the full speed, but after test is volteage on the right motor 0V, but on the left motor will stay 24,8V. I don't believe it's driver problém. Maybe some setup problem? What to measure to trace a problem ?


Can you switch the left/right connection (EN,PWM,DIR,Fault and Sense) to the module to exclude an error on mc33926?
If the error change with, your module seems to be ok and the error is in cabling.

I'm using shield, so it's quite hard to disconnect it, but I will try. First what I did : I measured voltage on each pin I found that on the left motor on the pin M1IN2 I have 3.9V but on the right motor pin M2IN2 I have 0V.
On the pins M1IN1 and M2IN1 I have 0V.

ok new tests :
I disconnected M1IN2 from the shield ( pin isn't connected ) and I found that there is always 3,9V ( measured on the MC driver board ) when driver is Enabled.

Dear Alex,
could be the problem on Mc33296.
If I switch the motors, the problem happen always on M2.

I will try to change polulu..
What do you think?
Yes, now looks that driver is damaged. Question is why I have two drivers with the same error. With old driver this never happened.

I have one question about MC33926!
Is there possible to connect in parallel inputs M1IN1 with M2IN1 and M1IN2 with M2IN2,
to connect two mower motors in polou board?
Thanks for info!
Did you get the final explanation of what happen to Alex robot ?

I am building a Arduimower with MC33926 on PCB 1.2 and running with soft rev 1.04.
I have insert Protector board between controler and motor.
And I have the same behavior as describe here above : One motor is rotating full speed, even when status is OFF.

Running the test : motor change speed and direction accordingly but then come back to full speed rotation...

Thks for your support


Jacques schrieb:
Hello Pierre

Attached is a test program that will allow you to fully test your mow and wheel motors and drivers for direction, odometry and current in a simple standalone context.
Carrefully check in the program and set your own setting before running it.

Hope it helps :)


thanks for you SW, but I'm not sure what is what in the configuration.
Can you help me understand what is M2_FB ( Motor sense ), M2nSF (Motor fault ) M2IN1 (MotorPWM) M2IN2 (MotorDIR) EN (MotorEnable) ....
Or is there any SW for Driver test ? I don't need to test a odometry.
Thank you for help
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hi Alex

I just uploaded a new version (2016-01-06) of the test program with more comments. I cannot be sure of what is what in your mower because I don't know your cabling and devices but now each pin is described in the program, so you should be able to find it.
There is also a definition of abbreviations used to build variables' names in the top program comment.
Don't look for MnSF (motor fault), they are not used in this test program.
This program has no closed loop, so it will run even if you don't use odometry. Same for battery intensity and voltage, motor supply voltage and cpu voltage. They are useful to calibrate the sensors scale and offset, but the program will run also without them.
