GPS value freeze when wheel motor is on


I have had the GPS working for 2 years already, but recently my other robot's GPS values freeze when the wheel motors are in use. It's standard starterkit from ardumower shop with PCB 1.3. The mower motor can be on or off, the GPS is working great. But if I turn the wheel motors on the GPS is giving constantly 0.43 or whatever value was currently set as gpsspeed. The value will not change for minutes. And as soon as I turn the wheel motors off the values changing again with fast pace. I have opened the robot, check all connections, took out the gps module from the case (so its farther away from motors), and I have also checked that the GPS Serial3 is getting very steady 5.04V. I believe it to be something in the PCB 1.3, but can't figure this one out. Any pointers?
Have you twisted the cables of the wheel motors, the mower motor and the battery? Have you put a ferrit ring on the wheel motor and and the mower motor? Both is recommended to reduce the high frequency noise. (Both is not necessary for the brushless motors.)

Have you done the GPS wire fix as described in the Sunray docs?
Es könnte an den Motoren liegen die langsam versagen. Ich hatte grad das Problem täglich steigender GPS Sprünge.
Ja bis ein Motor im Bereich der Hallsensoren angeschmolzen war. Beide Hallsensoren waren abgeschehrt. Der Magnet lief elliptischen. Das Gehäuse war angeschmolzen. Habe ich bei Markus getauscht und dann war wieder alles ok.
Da wurden fette Störsignale auf das Board geleitet was zu den GPS Sprüngen führte.
Ganz seltsam war das der Mover noch selbstständig in die Ladestation fuhr. Der Motor selbst war ok nur Hinten die Odometrie zerstört.
Have you twisted the cables of the wheel motors, the mower motor and the battery? Have you put a ferrit ring on the wheel motor and and the mower motor? Both is recommended to reduce the high frequency noise. (Both is not necessary for the brushless motors.)

Have you done the GPS wire fix as described in the Sunray docs?
Hi, thanks for the tips and sorry for late answer! I can try ferrit rings, but I'm still wondering why did it start to do this after 2 years of working good. And it seems it only does this when the battery goes under 25V. Very weird. My other mover is still working good like it always has.
Es könnte an den Motoren liegen die langsam versagen. Ich hatte grad das Problem täglich steigender GPS Sprünge.
Ja bis ein Motor im Bereich der Hallsensoren angeschmolzen war. Beide Hallsensoren waren abgeschehrt. Der Magnet lief elliptischen. Das Gehäuse war angeschmolzen. Habe ich bei Markus getauscht und dann war wieder alles ok.
Da wurden fette Störsignale auf das Board geleitet was zu den GPS Sprüngen führte.
Ganz seltsam war das der Mover noch selbstständig in die Ladestation fuhr. Der Motor selbst war ok nur Hinten die Odometrie zerstört.
Google translator really has some problems translating this. But if I understand it correctly, you had a problem with wheel motor odometry and after you changed the wheel motor the GPS started working properly again. Thanks for the good tip, have to debug this some more!