finished PCB


New member
I have finished my soldering but there is still some difference between my board and some of the images I see on the wiki. I have attached an image of the board with the additional modules. I have not added the modules to the board as I did not have enough strip pins. Specifically my questions are:
[li]I only have one DC-DC module, do I need more?[/li]
[li]I have a sensor module for U3, but not for U5, do I need two?[/li]
[li]I have a bunch of spare LEDs, including a 3 pin one, where do these go?[/li]

If there is anything else you can see wrong with my board, please let me know!!
Thanks for getting back to me. I have order that now and added a bluetooth module. I hope that is everything I need to finish the project! Thank you for your help!