Few questions


I have a question regarding perimeter sender - which motor driver is better to use for permiter sender ? Old L298N or MC33926 ? I have a lot of old L298N so I want use it for sender, but I want be sure that signal quality will be same as with new driver.

Second question is regarding way back to charging station. If I have very long wire, aprox 100m, it take a long time when mower is back in chargé station. I now that market mowers has a other systems how go fastest, shortest way to the charging station. Is any other system in development for ardumower ?

Thank you for answers

Hi Alex,

I am using the UNO with the Motor Shield. I think the Motor Shield has also an L298 installed. But I think I can use it only with 12V and 1A - but for 60m I use 0.5A. I used it for testing one year now and it is working. I think for 100m wire it will work. I don't understand what you mean with quality, but if you receive the perimeter signal inside the perimeter all over the area, then it works. If not, you have to increase the current or the voltage. That's the only limit for the L298N quality compared to MC33926 - my opinion.

Second question:
I don't know what they want to develop and I don't know how fast the current Ardumower does perimeter tracking. But I can say following:

Independent if you have a short cut to the charging station, the battery must have enough power even if you have the worst case senario.

If you are able to program and understand the code of the Ardumower, take a look at following thread:
Here I used an algorithem, which is very easy to program in Ardumower (first post). Maybe it is faster than the code of the Ardumower, but I don't know.

In the following Video are further ideas for a faster return.

Hello Alex,

I'm using L298N to drive the motors of my mower and for perimeter sender without any drawbacks. If you search the forum, you will find some schematics how to use L298N for perimeter. The signal quality is very good. Sure, I can't compare it to MC, but it works great and I can detect the signal on all areas.

I'm very happy with these modules. Don't know why they official want to use MC33926. In my opinion, they are too expensive. If I burn a L298N (it never happened), it costs just a few bucks.