ERR MOTOR LEFT when reverse direction calls

Dear All,
please anyone could help me to troubleshooting this error..ERR_MOTOR_LEFT

I have last code 1.0a4-Azurit 8 of july

when in manual mode or automatic, the system ask the left motor to reverse direction, the ERR MOTOR LEFT start to increase the counter..

- test motor in forward direction are ok
- swapped motor right direction
- odometry use =0 or =1 doesn't solve the problem
- left gear motor in forward direction works correcty
- MC33926: SLEW jumper is not set
- first time I test the ardumower it worked very well...even the moteor left reverse direction (all connection not touched)

ERR_MOTOR_LEFT Left gear motor error
* Check gear motor driver module and left gear motor
* MC33926: ensure SLEW jumper is not set
* Tracking: reduce Motor-Max-PWM and Tracking-P to reduce EMF (what does it mean?)

Is it a setup problem or hardware??

please help me to understand..

thank yoy

Today I reset all setting and uploaded again software with factory setting...

At the first test the left motor works....even in reverse mode

when I set "AUTO MODE" by pfod and the robot start to works, the error appears...when the wheel start to reverse
consolle says: "left motor fault"

doeas the AUTO MODE set something wrong??

thank you..

grass is growing....