Are there know issues because of front wheels in standard Ardumower Chassis?


Hello all,

This weekend I am going to implement an Arduino Due with the AzuritBer firmware (previously Azurit on Arduino Mega).
I am using the standard ardumower chassis with the front wheel drive.

I know AzuritBer does not 'support' this, but are there known issues with this configuration?
- I believe unsupported in this means that it can not be tested by @bernard, because he only has rear mounted wheels.

I am willing to be a AzuritBer tester for the front mounted wheels íf I get everything up and running ;-)

Thanks in advance for your replies!
I believe unsupported in this means that it can not be tested by @bernard, because he only has rear mounted wheels.

But i did not see trouble with this kind of config ,
simply check :
In manual mode the mower turn on correct direction (left or right) when you are behind the mower.
Into setting IMU Yaw need to decrease when roll Counter Clock Wise and increase in clock wise.
Adjust correctly the Odometry setting to have a correct ODO test and same for IMU.

On first start you need to initialise the eeprom data by a reset counter error and save setting to stop the error bip.

Maybe you can test the working branch including Arduremote Console to understand all the behaviour.
See Git branch Test For Display and read the ardumower.ino explanation to deactivate Display and set the correct RTC .
@flyfast were there any settings that needed to be changed because of the front wheeler? I really like the firmware so far (broken mpu6050 aside)
Hello Ron,

there is nothing special at the front wheel AzuritBer if your gras is flat and even.
Okay, you have to do some little adjustements to match your own expectation.
In my case it was a little bit more complex because of my "special" gras which is not the standart english tennis cord gras.
My backyard has a slope up to 22° (or so) and it is a big difference for the mower to run uphill - downhill or in a angel to the slope.
But I am found a very good average in all adjustment to cover all those different situation of the mower and also impertant a good place for the IMU
My front wheeler have now ~ 40h on the clock and he runs without any accident nor incident in this time.
Okay, it tooks a while to find the PID adjustment for the IMU and drieve motor but it works perfect now.
He is still a bit to noisy because of this cheap china front wheel. It klicking and rattling because of the bfree play of all those bearings.
This will be my next step to reduce this noise with ball bearings.

And then........ I`m happy.

At this place a very big THANK YOU to Berhard for his assistance.

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