Abfahren der Schleife


New member
Hallo liebe Ardumower Gemeinde,
ich bin gerade dabei, meinen kleinen Gartenfreund in betrieb zu nehmen. Bei dem Versuch die Schleife abzufahren habe ich leider das Problem, dass er sich „Aufschaukelt“ bzw. über die Schleife hinaus fährt und dann nicht mehr zurück findet. Zu meiner Konifguartion: eigentlich alles aus bis auf „perimeter“ um nicht unnötig mehr Fehler einzubauen. Ist das nur eine Einstellungssache? Sender habe ich auf ca. 700mA eingestellt. Bei dem Empfänger habe ich wie beschrieben den Kondensator überbrückt. Wenn ich mir den Plot anschaue, dann kann man auch deutlich bei der kleinsten Überschreitung des Kabels die Erkennung sehen. Zur Verdeutlichung habe ich mal ein kleines Video gemacht: Video

Viele Grüße
In Pfod Perimeter setting : trackingBlockInnerWheelWhilePerimeterStruggling is YES or NO ??
Please try YES .

Did you use last AZURIT whithout change in the code ?

You can try to slow the tracking speed
in Setting Motor decrease the Speed max in pwm

in Setting Perimeter change the Transition timeout

In Setting Perimeter Value you need to have
>-1000 Inside at 2-8cm of the wire and +1000 outside of the wire
near 0 exactly on the wire
The value is negative and decrease when you move into the area.

Hope it's can help.

The mower use the Yellow Station led (on the PCB Mower) current consum to know if it is in the station.
So don't forget to connect it B) .

Hey Sascha,
there is a "station led" at P7(5) on the mower pcb. This LED is powered by external voltage of the station's loading power contacts. The mower measures the current the led needs and recognizes the home position that way.

Have a nice weekend. Peter
good morning Boilevin, it seems you have been faster in typing your answer - ok - it is why i am eating breakfast in parallel :)
no problem for me but your answer is more clear that mine.

Actualy I am working on the tracking section for smooother and gently i have result.
But all the rest is working (Mowing tracking Home and Charging)

Maybe i connect the IMU but for me it is option like the TwoWaOdometrie use (Utility ??????).

I explain i test different robot mower and the result is always.

To work well and mow all the area a robot mower need to go in straight line on slope so we can use Odometrie or IMU but why the two option ?.

To work very well
Like Bosch perfect parallele line
like Husq GPS to Work by section and the guide wire to fast find station
So maybe sunray?

Do you find a section describe how to connect the IMU to the PCB.
Can you confirm


VCC_IN-->1 5V
VCC_3.3V-->5 3.3V
SCL-->4 SCL ??
SDA-->3 SDA ??
A_INT1 ???
A_INT2 ???
G_INT1 ???
G_INT2 ???
