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    Ardumower Webinterface

    Moin Wie hast du die spiffs auf den ESP32-CAM bekommen? Ich scheitere bereits an diesem Schritt. Auf den normalen ESP32 geht es. Bei der CAM Version hagelt es Fehler. Gruss Björn
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    Ardumower Webinterface

    Moin Klasse Sache, das Webinterface. Ich habe es auf einem ESP32 am laufen. Erstmal zum testen. Allerdings verstehe ich den Teile des externen Triggerns noch nicht: - Ein startet automatik - Ein stopt den Mäher - usw. Aber wie kann ich einen Status...
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    Ardumower Webinterface

    Moin Solch ein Board könnte theoretisch alles: Oder benötigt man mehr Rechenleistung? Die Kamera alleine läuft sauber. Gruss Björn
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    Ardumower Webinterface

    Moin Ich finde eure Lösung klasse. Aber auch eine Kamera ist klasse. Aktuell ist sie leider alleine an dem ESP. An dem anderen hängt neben dem BT Teil noch der RFID Empfänger. Wäre schon toll wenn das alles in einem ESP ginge: Wlan, Kamera und RFID Schon allein wegen des Stromverbrauchs...
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    Ardumower Webinterface

    Moin Das ist ein tolles Projekt. Ich habe eine Frage. Es handelt sich doch um den original ESP32, oder? Kann man auch einen anderen ESP32 nehmen? Ich habe hier einen ESP32-Cam liegen. Dort ist direkt eine kleine Kamera drann. Aktuell habe ich diesen ESP32-Cam als Mitfahrer im Gehäuse nur für...
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    Hello Short feedback: RFID part works great with 13 tags in my garden. Thank you. One point i have from time to time: Sometimes when i go to Setting with my bluetooth connection and change something and after going back the Save button is gone. After restart the due it is back but i lost the new...
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    Hello I have a lot of warning during compile: sketch\flashmem.cpp: In member function 'byte* FlashClass::readAddress(uint32_t)': sketch\flashmem.cpp:79:8: warning: address of local variable 'd' returned [-Wreturn-local-addr] byte d = readAT24C32(address); ^...
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    This is a nice solution. But up to now i am happy with my simple one :) Is your RFID part in due good working in your mower? Today it is raining here :cry:
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    Hello I don't know if understand it right but I have 2 mow motors in parallel connected together to one motor controller. My max power setting is 40W. This is working pretty nice last 2 years. When I setup in your code second mow motor=true my mow motor are not starting because the sense value...
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    Hello Thanks. That was the point i missed. Today i tested your code. I am at the beginning. Uploaded to due - factory reset - searching for good settings. First point was that i keep 2 mow motors on. I have 2 motors but only one controller. They are running together. But i found your setting...
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    Hallo I spended at least again 2h on this. Trying run 217. No chance. Sometimes it is running longer then 10s. But after something happens the PiArdu lost connection. Becoming back connection means 1 to 10 reboots, running to garden, searching mower. Reboot, run back to computer,... In console...
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    But how is the way to write your code to due? Do I have to copy your files to the Ardumower folder and then compile?
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    But what all changed from last year versions? Last year I never have had such problems. Pi was stable. I have same wlan like last year.
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    So i have to mix your parts in folder ardumower/src with bernards code? Or where is the complete Arduino code? Or is it a different kind of project?
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    Oh, i love it. What is the best way to do it?
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    I just updated Due. Now i have problems with pi and connect to Due. When i use the autostart with the PiArdu starts but after 5-6s the clock stopped to count. In Console of Piardu nothing happens. But when i start PiArdu from linux shell with sudo python3 everything is...
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    Hello Are we talking about this version? @bernard: For having hotspot i need a second Wlan adapter. Or not? I dont understand the benefit. When the watchdog freeze the pi: Why i need this watchdog? @jussip: In robot.cpp i found some content about...
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    Hello I dont know what version i have :oops: But rfid without pi sounds great. In moment my pi is switched of but i am missing my rfid tags :confused: My last tests with pi and MQTT ends allways in freez of pi. So in moment mower is running without pi. 2 weeks without any problem... but without...
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    Hello I found a little time to follow your posts :) I am allways learning. Thank you both. Now i see that you changed also the Arduino code. That means i have to update my Due? I have not done this long time ago. Do you have a link for some manual for doing updating the due with all settings...
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    Arctic Hare mod by Jussi

    Hello In moment I am back to 217. Without Mqtt. Can I use the new config with Mqtt settings? Or do I have to replace with old config? I am asking because in moment I often have a freeze of Piardu. Only Piardu freeze. Not the Raspberry. Thanks and best Bjoern